Published: 18.10.23

Updated: 19.6.24

E-scooters have taken the urban world by storm.

With more professionals opting for this greener mode of transportation, the importance of safety can't be stressed enough. An image showing someone on an escooter displaying safety gear

Before you hop on and zoom off, let's delve into the must-have safety gear to ensure you ride with confidence.

Why Helmets Are A Non-Negotiable

Riding your e-scooter, an increasingly popular electric vehicle, without a safety helmet is akin to neglecting an insurance policy.

Helmets, or as some might refer to them, scooter helmets, serve as a primary shield against potential head traumas.

Given the array of scooter accessories available, there's no excuse not to wear one.

The Right Footwear Makes All The Difference

We've all been tempted to jump on our scooter wearing whatever's on our feet.

But with the risk of potential knee problems, the right shoes are crucial.

Opt for footwear that provides a sturdy grip on handlebars and surfaces, ensuring you remain stable during your rides.

Related: Escooter Buyers Guide


Gloves: Not Just A Winter Accessory

Cold hands while riding?

Riding gloves to the rescue! Beyond warmth, they provide essential hand protection and ensure you maintain a firm grip, making them a key scooter accessory.

But, did you know they're also your hands' best friend in case of an unexpected tumble?

From preventing scrapes to ensuring a firm grip, gloves are more than just a fashion accessory.

Top Gloves To Consider

Ready to get those gloves but unsure which ones? We've got you covered:

Top Gloves To Consider
Cevapro Winter Gloves Perfect for those chilly rides.
Simari Gloves Blend of comfort and protection.
Fox Dirtpaw Gloves For the off-roaders.
NANROBOT Fingerless Scooter Gloves For those who want a mix of protection and style.
ESkate Gloves Because e-scooters and eSkates aren’t that different, right?
Knox Slider System The gold standard in protective gear.

Be Seen With Reflective Clothing

Ensuring visibility on the roads is paramount. Reflective clothing, including high-visibility vests and reflective jackets with lighting built-in, ensures you're visible, especially during those twilight rides.

A reflective singlet-jacket is your go-to!

Related: Top 10 Tips for Riding Your eScooter at Night


Body Protection: Because Scrapes Aren’t Fun

High speeds and sudden stops can sometimes mean unexpected falls. And while we hope it never happens, being prepared never hurt anyone.

Consider knee pads, elbow pads, and even wrist guards. Think of them as your personal bodyguards, always ready to take the hit for you.

The Impact of Weather on Riding Gear Choices

On those rainy days, consider add-ons like tyre slime or tyre sealant for flat tyre prevention.

Weather-Appropriate Riding Gear
Weather Condition Recommended Gear Benefits
Rainy Waterproof Jackets Keeps you dry and comfortable
Water-resistant Footwear Prevents soggy shoes, maintains grip
Clear Visors for Helmets Ensures clear visibility
Cold Thermal Gloves Keeps hands warm
Insulated Jackets Protects against cold winds
Warm Footwear Keeps feet warm and dry
Sunny Lightweight Clothing Keeps you cool
Breathable Helmets Prevents overheating

And for the tech-savvy riders, a phone holder or scooter handlebar holder can be a handy attachment to keep your navigation in view.

On sunny days, lightweight and breathable materials are your best bet, ensuring you remain cool while cruising.

But what about those unexpected drizzles or the biting cold of winter mornings?

Rainy Days

Rain can make roads slippery, posing challenges for e-scooter riders.

Here's what you can consider:

  • Waterproof Jackets: A must-have! Not only does it keep you dry, but it also prevents that uncomfortable sticky feeling.
  • Water-resistant footwear: Soggy shoes can be a distraction. Opt for water-resistant boots or shoes that provide grip even on wet surfaces.
  • Clear Visors for Helmets: Rain can blur vision. Helmets with clear visors ensure you have an unobstructed view of the road.

Related: Can You Ride E-scooters In The Rain?

Cold Days

Winter doesn't mean bidding goodbye to your e-scooter. But, it does mean extra layers:

  • Thermal Gloves: Regular gloves might not suffice. Thermal gloves ensure your fingers don't go numb while holding onto the handlebars.
  • Insulated Jackets: A snug jacket can make a world of difference, keeping the cold winds at bay.
  • Warm Footwear: Consider insulated boots to keep those toes warm and toasty.

Related: How To Choose A Scooter For Night Riding


The Role of Comfort in Safety

Comfortable safety gear, like wrist guards and well-fitted knee and elbow pads, ensures you're not only protected but also free to manoeuvre your e-scooter with ease.

When your gear is comfortable:

  • You're less likely to be distracted. No more adjusting straps or feeling choked by tight-fitting helmets.
  • Your mobility isn't compromised. Imagine trying to manoeuvre your scooter wearing a rigid jacket!
  • You're more likely to wear them. Let's be honest; no one wants to wear gear that feels like a chore.

Related: Avoid These 8 Electric Scooter Riding Mistakes!

A man is riding a sleek black electric scooter on a concrete path. He is wearing casual attire: a red T-shirt, black pants, and dark sneakers

Maintenance and Care of Safety Gear

Regularly inspect your scooter safety gear. Clean them as per manufacturer guidelines.

For most helmets, a gentle wipe down is enough.

But for your scooter lights, like LED headlights and rear lights, ensure they're functioning and bright enough to ensure you stay visible.

  • Regular Checks: Just like you'd check your scooter's battery, regularly inspect your gear. Look out for any wear and tear, especially in protective padding.
  • Cleaning: Sweat, dirt, and grime can reduce the efficacy of your gear. Clean them as per manufacturer guidelines. For most helmets, a gentle wipe down is enough. For clothing, ensure you don't use harsh detergents that might compromise their protective qualities.
  • Storage: Store your gear in a cool, dry place. Avoid places with direct sunlight or excessive moisture, as these can degrade the materials over time.
  • Replacement: Nothing lasts forever. If you notice your helmet's inner lining coming off or your jacket's reflective strips fading, it's time for a replacement. Remember, compromised gear can compromise your safety.

Related: 10 Tips For Maintaining Your Electric Scooter


Recent Updates on E-scooter Safety Regulations and Gear Innovations (June 2024)

Safety Regulations

  • The UK government is conducting trials of rental e-scooters in designated areas to evaluate their impact on urban transport. These trials have specific conditions for rider safety, such as mandatory lights, reflectors, and a speed limit of 15.5 mph.
  • Future legislation may include minimum design standards for privately owned e-scooters, if legalized. Potential requirements under consideration are mandatory helmets, restriction to roads and cycle lanes, speed/power/weight limits, and mandatory safety features like lights and bells.
  • Countries like Singapore and France have already implemented stricter e-scooter laws, such as banning pavement riding and requiring helmets, following safety incidents.

Gear Innovations

  • Swifty Scooters has introduced the GO GT500, the UK's first road-legal private e-scooter, classified as a "stand-on moped" through innovative design.
  • Pure Electric has revamped e-scooter design with dual footplates for a forward stance, a patented steering system, and a foldable chassis for easy portability.
  • Superpedestrian, a company spun out of MIT, employs real-time monitoring and automatic parameter adjustments to detect malfunctions and ensure rider safety.
  • Lime and Spin are developing vehicle intelligence platforms that include onboard diagnostics to monitor battery health, control speed and location, and detect issues such as tipping over.
  • Weatherproofing advancements are notable, with companies like Pure and TIER offering IP65/IP67 rated e-scooters suitable for use in rainy climates.

These updates highlight the ongoing efforts to enhance e-scooter safety through both regulatory measures and innovative gear design.

Updated Recommendations for Tech Tools and Apps:

  • Scooter Companion Apps:

    • Scooter Map: Provides real-time data on scooter availability, charging stations, and safe routes.
    • Citymapper: Offers comprehensive navigation including e-scooter routes, integration with public transport, and real-time traffic updates.
  • Integrated Tech Features:

    • Bird One: Includes GPS tracking, anti-theft protection, and mobile app connectivity for route planning and safety alerts.
    • Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2: Features an LED display, mobile app integration for performance monitoring, and cruise control for smoother rides.


Riding an e-scooter is fun, convenient, and eco-friendly. But like all good things, it comes with its set of responsibilities.

By gearing up right, not only do you ensure your safety, but you also contribute to safer roads for everyone.

So the next time you're about to hop on your scooter, take a moment.

Have you ticked off all the safety gear on this list?

Happy and safe scooting!


Are there specific e-scooter gear brands tailored for children or younger riders?

Absolutely! Several brands cater to younger e-scooter riders, offering gear that's both protective and appealing to kids. It's essential to ensure that the gear is appropriately sized for children, providing the same level of safety as adult-sized gear but with added comfort for smaller bodies.

How often should I replace my e-scooter safety gear if it hasn’t been involved in any accidents?

Even if your gear hasn't been involved in accidents, it's good practice to replace helmets every 3-5 years due to wear and tear and potential degradation of protective materials. Other gear, like jackets or gloves, can be replaced when you notice visible wear or reduced functionality.

Are there any eco-friendly or sustainable e-scooter safety gear options available?

Yes, with the rising demand for sustainable products, several brands now offer eco-friendly safety gear options. These are made using sustainable materials or processes that reduce environmental impact. It's always a good idea to check product descriptions or brand sustainability initiatives when shopping.

Besides the safety gear, are there any apps or tech tools that can enhance safety when riding e-scooters in urban areas?

Definitely! Several apps provide real-time traffic updates, designated safe routes for e-scooters, and even weather forecasts to ensure safe rides. Additionally, some e-scooters come with integrated tech features like LED displays, GPS tracking, and emergency alerts to enhance rider safety.

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