A man kneeling down fixing his e-scooter

Electric scooters have surged in popularity, offering a sleek, sustainable, and efficient mode of transport.

For many, it's more than just a fun ride; it's a daily commute essential.

But, like any other mode of transport, it requires care.

Here, we'll delve into ten maintenance tips to ensure your electric scooter serves you well and for a long time.

Summary of the Steps

Step Description
1. Clean your scooter regularly Wipe down after rides to remove dirt and ensure longevity.
2. Check your tyres before every ride Inspect for proper inflation, damage, and wear.
3. Check the brakes Ensure brakes are responsive and safe before rides.
4. Lubricate all moving parts Use appropriate products to reduce friction and wear.
5. Charge the electric scooter properly Refer to the manual to avoid overcharging or overheating.
6. Check fasteners and cables Inspect and tighten any loose components for safety.
7. Refer to the owner's manual Follow manufacturer guidelines for optimal maintenance.
8. Store the electric scooter safely Keep in a dry place away from extreme temperatures.
9. Avoid riding in the rain Prevent damage to electrical components by staying dry.
10. Check spare parts Regular inspections ensure smooth and safe rides.

Essential Daily Maintenance

1. Clean your scooter regularly

Riding through city streets, parks, and neighbourhoods exposes your electric scooter to a variety of elements.

From muddy puddles after a rain shower to the everyday urban dust, your scooter can accumulate quite a bit of grime.

While it might seem superficial, this dirt can impact the scooter's performance and even its lifespan.

Using a damp rag to wipe down your scooter post-ride not only keeps it looking spick and span but can also prevent dirt from getting into crevices and affecting the mechanisms.

Avoiding electrical parts is crucial, as water damage can lead to malfunctions.

Regular cleaning also allows you to inspect your scooter for any visible damage or wear.

A clean scooter isn't just about aesthetics; it's about ensuring optimum performance and longevity. It's similar to washing your car regularly; not only does it shine, but it also runs better.

2. Check your tyres before every ride

Tyres play a pivotal role in ensuring a smooth and safe ride. Before embarking on any journey, it's essential to inspect them.

For scooters with pneumatic tyres, checking the air pressure is vital. Riding on under-inflated tyres can affect the scooter's speed, battery life, and even lead to tyre damage.

On the flip side, over-inflated tyres can make the ride uncomfortable and bouncy.

For those with solid tyres, while there's no air pressure to worry about, regular inspections for cracks, wear, and damage are essential.

Personally, I think this step is as crucial as a pilot checking an aircraft before takeoff.

It's all about ensuring safety and getting the best performance out of your scooter.

escooter tyre image
Check Your Tyres

"Before every ride, remember: Tyres are your scooter's wings, ensuring a safe and smooth journey. Just like a pilot checks their aircraft, inspecting your tyres is key to safety and performance."


3. Check the brakes

The importance of functional brakes can't be overstated. They're not just about stopping; they're about controlling your speed, especially when navigating downhill or in busy areas.

Before setting off, always test your brakes.

Check for any unusual sounds, responsiveness, and ensure the brake pads aren't worn out.

In my view, while speed is exhilarating, the ability to stop safely is even more crucial.

As the saying goes, "It's not speed that kills, it's the sudden stop."

Ensuring your brakes are in top condition provides peace of mind and ensures every ride is a safe one.

Periodic Maintenance

4. Lubricate all moving parts

Just like our joints need fluidity to move effortlessly, the moving components of your scooter require regular lubrication to function optimally.

Over time, without proper lubrication, parts can become stiff, leading to increased wear and tear.

By using quality lubricants, such as WD-40 Specialist Bike Chain Lube, you ensure smooth operation, reduce noise, and prolong the life of these components.

It's much like moisturising your skin; you might not notice the benefits instantly, but over time, the prevention of dryness and damage becomes evident.

It's always best to apply sparingly—excessive lubrication can attract dirt and grime, which can be counterproductive.

5. Charge the electric scooter properly

There's a certain satisfaction in seeing our gadgets at 100%, ready to serve us to their fullest.

However, the way we charge our devices, especially electric scooters, matters greatly.

Continually overcharging or allowing the battery to overheat can decrease its lifespan and efficiency.

It's essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines when it comes to charging.

From my perspective, it's akin to feeding a pet; overfeeding or underfeeding can both have detrimental effects.

Similarly, appropriately charging your scooter ensures it remains energetic and ready for all your adventures.

Related: How To Charge An Electric Scooter (The Right Way)


6. Check fasteners and cables

The integrity of your scooter is held together by numerous fasteners, bolts, and cables.

Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, your scooter's performance can be compromised by even a single loose bolt.

By routinely checking and tightening any slack components, you prevent potential breakdowns and ensure a safer ride.

Cables, especially, play a crucial role in transmitting signals and power, so ensuring they're in prime condition is vital.

It feels like checking the buttons on your shirt; you wouldn't want one popping off unexpectedly!

7. Refer to the owner's manual

Ah, the often-neglected owner's manual, filled with a plethora of valuable information.

While it's tempting to rely on intuition or online forums, the manual provides specific guidance tailored for your scooter model.

Whether it's troubleshooting, maintenance schedules, or understanding features, this booklet is a comprehensive guide.

I liken it to a chef's recipe book; while you can cook based on memory or instinct, referring to the exact recipe ensures the dish turns out perfect every time.

So, dust off that manual and give it a read—you'll likely discover something new about your scooter.

Storage and Safety

8. Store the electric scooter safely

After a long ride, your scooter deserves a safe haven to rest and rejuvenate.

While it's designed to withstand outdoor elements when in motion, prolonged exposure to extreme weather conditions can degrade its components.

A dry, shaded spot, like a garage or under a protective cover, can shield it from potential damage due to moisture, UV rays, or temperature fluctuations.

Related: How To Store Your Electric Scooter

9. Avoid riding in the rain

The thrill of riding through a drizzle might be tempting, but water and electronics often don't mix well.

Water can seep into crucial components, leading to malfunctions or, in the worst case, short-circuiting.

If you do find yourself caught in unexpected rain, it's essential to dry your scooter thoroughly, paying special attention to the electrical parts.

I often liken it to using electronics near a pool; while a few splashes might not cause immediate harm, prolonged exposure or submersion can be detrimental.

It's always best to err on the side of caution.

Routine Inspections

10. Check spare parts

Stay ahead of potential issues by inspecting the friction material on the tyres and ensuring the cable housing is intact.

The manufacturer often provides guidelines on when certain parts, like the pads on the brakes or the tyres, might need replacement.

Following these can help ensure your rides remain smooth.

Batteries, motors, and tyres are the heart, soul, and feet of your scooter, respectively.

Keeping a close eye on their condition can help in early identification of wear and tear, ensuring timely replacements or fixes.

Signs Your Scooter Needs Maintenance

With the rise in popularity of electric scooters, more people are relying on them for daily commutes and casual rides.

But like any vehicle, they need consistent upkeep.

Here's how to discern when it's time to give your scooter some attention:

Issue What to Check
Decreased performance Overall scooter health, battery life, and motor function.
Strange noises Brakes, bearings, and other movable components for any irregularities.
Worn-out tyres Air pressure, tyre treads, and sidewalls for recommended pressure details.
Brake problems Brake pads, disc brakes, and their responsiveness.
Battery issues Battery charge status, connections, and the charger's condition.
Loose or damaged components Fasteners, bolts, nuts, and cables for secure connections and wear.
Dirty or damaged scooter Overall cleanliness, presence of mud or dirt, and any visible damage.

Maintenance Frequency

Your scooter's a trooper in the outdoors, but when it's time to store the electric scooter, ensure it's shielded from extreme temperature changes and sunlight to prevent any potential damage.

When to Service Your Electric Scooter

  1. Daily Checks: Before every ride, do a quick visual inspection. Check your tyres for the right pressure and any visible damage, ensuring the brakes, especially if they are disc brakes, are responsive.
  2. Monthly Checks: Once a month, delve a little deeper. This includes lubricating moving parts, checking the battery's health, and inspecting all fasteners and cables.
  3. Bi-annual Deep Dive: Every six months, it's a good idea to do a thorough inspection. This involves everything from checking the wear and tear on tyres to ensuring that the electric circuits are functioning optimally.
  4. Annual Professional Service: Just like a car, getting your electric scooter checked by professionals once a year is beneficial. They can spot issues that might not be evident to the untrained eye and can preemptively address potential problems.

Eco-Friendly Tips

As more people lean towards sustainable modes of transport, electric scooters have become a popular choice.

However, the journey towards a greener footprint doesn't end with just riding an electric scooter.

Sustainable Scooter Usage

  1. Efficient Charging: Ensure you charge the electric scooter properly. Charging during off-peak times reduces strain on the grid and is often more sustainable.
  2. Recycle Old Parts: When replacing old scooter parts, ensure they're disposed of responsibly. Many components, especially batteries, can be recycled.
  3. Ride Responsibly: Avoid unnecessary acceleration and braking. Smooth, consistent rides are not only safer but also more energy-efficient.

Personalising Your Scooter

Your electric scooter is an extension of your personality. While many riders love adding a personal touch, it's essential to ensure that these additions don't impede the scooter's performance.

Accessorise Safely

  1. Lights and Reflectors: Ensure they're securely attached and don't drain the scooter's lithium battery excessively.
  2. Storage: Adding storage solutions like a front basket can be handy, but ensure it doesn't unbalance the scooter or hinder its manoeuvrability.
  3. Decor: Stickers, paint, and other decorative items should be applied ensuring they don't cover any essential indicators, lights, or controls on the scooter.

Understanding Warranty and Services

Most electric scooters come with a warranty that covers various components and potential issues.

Making the most of this warranty can save you both time and money.

Maximise Your Scooter's Warranty

  1. Know the Coverage: Familiarise yourself with what's covered under the warranty. Does it include specific parts like the lithium-ion battery or the charger?
  2. Avoid Voiding the Warranty: Certain modifications or neglect can void your warranty. Ensure you're aware of these to continue benefiting from the warranty coverage.
  3. Timely Claims: If you spot an issue that's covered under the warranty, make a claim sooner rather than later. Waiting might complicate the claim process or, worse, lead to other problems not covered by the warranty.


In this bustling age, electric scooters have become more than a novelty.

They're a lifestyle choice. But, like any good thing, they need care.

Regular maintenance not only ensures safety but also prolongs the life of your scooter.

So, roll up those sleeves and give your scooter the love it deserves. 


Why is it important to maintain electric scooters even if they seem to be working fine?

Regular maintenance of electric scooters ensures that they operate at optimal efficiency and extends their lifespan. Just like any other vehicle, an electric scooter has parts that wear down over time, even if there's no visible issue. Routine checks help in catching potential problems early, ensuring safety and preventing costlier repairs in the future.

Are there specific products or brands recommended for electric scooter maintenance?

While the article provides some general product recommendations, it's always best to refer to your scooter's manufacturer guidelines. They might have specific products or brands they endorse for the best performance of their scooters. When in doubt, opting for products designed specifically for electric scooters or bikes ensures compatibility and effectiveness.

How often should I replace parts like tyres or brake pads on my electric scooter?

The frequency of part replacement varies based on usage and the specific scooter model. However, as a general guideline, tyres should be checked regularly for wear and replaced when the tread is diminished. Brake pads should be replaced when they become thin or produce a screeching sound. Always refer to the manufacturer's guidelines for specific intervals and signs of wear.

Is it safe to use generic or third-party replacement parts for my electric scooter?

While third-party parts might be more affordable, it's crucial to ensure they are compatible with your specific scooter model. Using incompatible or low-quality parts can compromise the scooter's performance and safety. It's recommended to use parts endorsed by the scooter's manufacturer or consult with a professional before making replacements.

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