Disclaimer: Seek Professional Assistance for Modifications

Before delving into the exciting world of enhancing your child's ride-on toy, we strongly advise seeking the help of a professional electrician or mechanic. The modifications discussed in this article, while potentially rewarding, involve technical skills and a deep understanding of electrical systems and mechanical components. If you're not fully confident in your ability to safely implement these changes, it's essential to consult with a professional. This ensures not only the optimal performance of the toy but, more importantly, the safety of your child. Remember, the joy of a faster ride should never compromise safety.


Are you looking to add a bit more thrill to your child's playtime?

As a parent or guardian, you might have noticed your little one's eyes light up at the thought of their ride-on toy zooming just a bit faster.

While ensuring safety and adhering to regulations, there are several ways you can upgrade your kid’s ride-on toy for that extra dash of fun.

Let’s dive into how you can safely make these toys faster and more exciting.

Understanding the Basics

Before jumping into modifications, it's crucial to understand the mechanics of ride-on toys.

These toys are designed with young users in mind, meaning safety is a paramount consideration.

It's important to familiarise yourself with the toy's capabilities and limitations before making any changes.

Upgrading the Battery

When considering an upgrade to a higher voltage battery for your child's electric ride-on car, it's crucial to balance the need for increased power with compatibility and safety concerns.

While a higher voltage battery can offer a significant speed boost, it's essential to ensure that this increase does not overwhelm the toy's existing components.

Choosing the Right Battery Type

Get The Most Out Of Your Kids Ride on Car Battery — RiiRoo

The selection of the right battery goes beyond just increasing voltage.

Compatibility with the toy's electrical system is paramount. Lithium-ion batteries are often recommended due to their efficiency and longevity, but it's important to ensure that their voltage aligns with the requirements of the ride-on car.

A close-up photo of a human hand holding three cylindrical lithium-ion batteries with blue wrapping, labeled 'Li-ion 18650 3.7V 2200mAh

A mismatch in voltage can lead to potential damage, especially to sensitive components like motors and gearboxes.

Moreover, the compatibility of the new battery voltage with the ride-on toy's controller is another critical aspect.

Some toys are equipped with controllers that are calibrated for a specific voltage, and deviating from this can result in damage to the controller.

Therefore, it's essential to verify whether the new battery voltage aligns with the controller's specifications to avoid any potential harm.

In addition to voltage compatibility, the physical fit of the battery within the toy's compartment is also important.

It's advisable to select batteries specifically designed for ride-on toys, checking their voltage and amp-hour ratings to match the toy's requirements.

Using batteries that are not intended for the specific model or that do not fit properly in the compartment could pose significant safety risks.

Ultimately, the goal is to match the right battery with the right motor.

This balance ensures not only a speed gain but also the longevity and safe operation of the ride-on car.

Battery Type Voltage Amp-Hour Rating Lifespan Compatibility Pros Cons
Standard Lead-Acid 12V Varies Moderate Basic models Cost-effective, widely available Heavier, requires maintenance
High-Capacity Lead-Acid 12V - 24V Higher Moderate to Long Advanced models Longer run time, more power More expensive, heavier
Lithium-Ion 12V - 24V Varies Long Performance models Lightweight, minimal maintenance Higher cost, requires compatible charger

Upgrading the Motor

Before upgrading the motor in your child's ride-on toy, ensure that the new motor's RPM, torque, and gearbox settings are compatible with the toy's existing system.

A motor swap requires careful consideration of these factors to ensure a seamless integration and enhanced acceleration.

Motor Compatibility Check

Upgrading the motor can transform your child's ride-on toy, but ensuring compatibility is crucial.

Check the specifications of your current motor, including its size, power output, and connections.

When selecting a new motor, consider these factors to ensure a seamless fit.

Consult with a professional or the manufacturer if you're unsure about the compatibility, as an incompatible motor could damage the toy or pose a safety hazard.

Motor Type Power Output Compatibility Pros Cons
Standard DC Motor Varies Basic to Intermediate Models Affordable, Easy to Install Limited Power, Moderate Lifespan
High-Torque DC Motor High Advanced Models Increased Power, Longer Lifespan Higher Cost, Complex Installation
Brushless DC Motor High High-Performance Models Efficient, Low Maintenance Expensive, Requires Compatible Controller

Enhancing Tyres for Better Performance

Tyres play a crucial role in how fast a ride-on toy can go.

Switching to larger or rubber tyres not only increases speed but also improves traction.

This change is not just about speed; it’s also about stability and safety.

Wheel and Tyre Safety Considerations

Switching to wheels that can handle higher torque and offer better traction can significantly improve the top speed and safety of the ride-on toy.

When choosing new wheels, consider their compatibility with the toy's gearbox and the overall wheel torque they will need to manage.

Avoid making drastic changes in wheel size, as this could affect the toy's balance and safety.

Removing Speed Limiters

Unleashing the Toy’s Full Potential Many ride-on toys come with built-in speed limiters for safety.

If you feel it’s safe and your child is ready for a faster ride, you can remove these limiters.

However, this should be done cautiously, keeping in mind the manufacturer's recommendations and the child's ability to handle higher speeds.

Lightening the Load

Reducing weight boosts speed. Every extra kilogram on the ride-on toy can affect its speed.

By removing non-essential parts, you can lighten the load and potentially increase the speed.

This process requires a delicate balance – removing too much might compromise the toy's stability or safety.

Note: It will be considerably hard to do this. Most items on a ride on toy are needed.

Balancing Speed and Stability

When modifying your child's ride-on toy to achieve faster speeds, it's important to balance the need for speed with the stability of the toy. 

Reducing weight strategically can lead to a speed increase, but ensure that the gear ratio and torque are not adversely affected.

Distribute weight evenly to avoid any imbalance, which could lead to accidents.

Regularly check the toy for any loose parts or instability issues after making modifications.

Related: Teaching Your Kids How To Balance On A Ride On Toy

Prioritising Safety

Safety should always come first. When making any modifications, the safety of your child should be your top priority.

Always use appropriate safety gear and consider the age and ability of your child.

It's essential to make changes that are within the safe operating limits of the toy.

Child's Skill Level Assessment

It's essential to consider the skill level of young drivers when making modifications for higher top speeds.

Not all kids are ready for rapid acceleration or maximum speeds, so tailor the modifications to your child's ability and experience.

Assess your child's ability to steer, stop, and control the toy effectively before making any speed enhancements.

Gradual adjustments are advisable, allowing your child to adapt to the changes safely.

Regular Maintenance

It is important to keep the Toy well-maintained. A well-maintained ride-on toy is a faster ride-on toy.

Regular maintenance like lubricating moving parts and checking the battery and motor can help the toy run more efficiently and safely.

Gear Ratio Modifications

Understanding the gear ratio in your child's ride-on toy can help you make informed decisions about gearbox swaps or adjustments.

A higher gear ratio might increase speed, but it’s important to balance this with the torque and stability of the toy.

Understanding Gear Ratios

Gear ratios determine how many rotations the motor makes for each wheel rotation.

Changing these ratios can affect speed and torque. A higher gear ratio means more speed but less torque, which might be suitable for flat surfaces but not for hilly areas.

Understanding these mechanics will help you make informed decisions about modifying the gear ratios while keeping the ride enjoyable and safe for your child.

Aerodynamic Adjustments

Small Changes for Minor Speed Increases Making aerodynamic adjustments can slightly increase the speed of the toy.

This could involve reducing wind resistance by streamlining the toy's design.

While the impact might be minor, every little bit helps when it comes to speed.

Practical Aerodynamic Mods

Simple aerodynamic modifications can improve the speed of your child’s ride-on toy.

Reducing wind resistance can result in minor speed increases, especially during acceleration up hills or in open spaces.

However, ensure these modifications do not affect the toy's balance or add unnecessary weight, as this could negate the speed gains.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Staying Within the Law It’s important to be aware of local laws and regulations regarding modified ride-on toys.

Ensuring that your modifications are legal and ethical is just as important as the modifications themselves.

Compliance with the Manufacturer's Warranty

When modifying a kid's ride-on car, consider how these changes might affect the manufacturer's warranty.

Modifications like a battery voltage increase or motor upgrades should be made with an understanding of the warranty terms to ensure ongoing support and compliance.

Review the warranty terms and consult with the manufacturer if you're unsure about which modifications are permissible.

Keeping within the warranty guidelines ensures that you can still access support and repairs if needed.


In conclusion, while there are several ways to make your child's ride-on toy faster, it's crucial to strike a balance between speed and safety.

Always prioritise your child’s safety and adhere to legal guidelines when making modifications.

With these tips, you can provide a more exhilarating ride for your child, while still keeping them safe and secure.

Enjoy the process of upgrading and the joy it brings to your little one’s playtime!


Is it possible to upgrade the speed of all types of kids' ride-on toys?

Upgrading the speed is possible for many types of ride-on toys, especially those that are battery-powered. However, the type of toy and its original design will influence what modifications are feasible. Toys designed with simpler mechanics may not be as adaptable to speed enhancements as more complex models.

How can I ensure that the modifications I make to my child's ride-on toy are safe?

Safety should always be your top priority. Ensure that all modifications adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines and do not compromise the toy's structural integrity. Regularly check the toy for any loose parts or potential hazards, especially after modifying it. Additionally, always supervise your child while they are using the modified toy.

Will modifying my child’s ride-on toy void its warranty?

In many cases, modifying a ride-on toy can void its warranty. It's important to read the warranty terms carefully before making any changes. If you're unsure, consider contacting the manufacturer for clarification. Remember, safety and compliance with guidelines should always come first.

What are the best practices for maintaining a modified ride-on toy to ensure it remains safe and efficient?

Regular maintenance is key to ensuring the modified toy remains safe and performs well. This includes checking and tightening any loose screws or components, ensuring the battery is properly charged and in good condition, and regularly inspecting the motor and gearbox for signs of wear. Keeping the toy clean and storing it properly when not in use will also prolong its life and maintain its performance.

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