A garage setting in the UK. The e-scooter is leaning against a wall, and its charging cord extends to a UK plug socket on the wall.

Published: 1.11.23

Updated: 14.6.24

You've made the leap and joined the ranks of e-scooter enthusiasts. Congratulations!

But hold on a minute. Before you zoom around the city streets or embark on that short commute to work, there's something crucial you need to get right – charging your electric scooter.

Let's dive deep into how to charge electric scooter and keep that battery at peak performance, shall we?

E-Scooter Charging Guide

Section Main Points
Charging Precautions Ensure charging area is dry, keep charger out of reach, place e-scooter on stable surface
Charging Time Monitor the charging to avoid overcharging
Post-Charging Wait after charging before you ride
Storage Store in appropriate conditions, not fully charged if stored for long
Battery Health Indicators Check charge duration, look for reduced range, inspect for bulging or leaking batteries
Disposal & Recycling Proper disposal, use recycling centres, consider retailer take-back programs
Charger Malfunctions Notice inconsistent charging times, avoid using if overheating, look for physical damage
Location Considerations Charging stations vs home charging
Always Refer to the Manual Manual provides specific guidance for each e-scooter model
Environmental Impact Proper charging reduces waste and supports eco-friendly transport

The Essentials: Your E-Scooter's Charging Components

We're all familiar with that niggling feeling of dread when our phone battery level dips to a measly 1%.

But when it comes to e-scooters, there's a lot more on the line than missing out on a social media update.

A well-maintained battery ensures not only a smooth ride but also a longer lifespan for your green machine.

E-scooters: More than just a trend

From the bustling streets of London to the serene lanes of Edinburgh, electric scooters have become the go-to for many.

With their popularity skyrocketing, it's crucial to know the ins and outs of your vehicle.

Related: Electric Scooter Buyer's Guide - UK Buying Guide

Electric chargers: Your e-scooter’s lifeline

Remember that golden rule? Always use the charger that came with your new electric scooter.

Off-brand chargers may seem like a bargain, but they might just cost you your e-scooter's battery life.

Battery packs: The heartbeat of your ride

Your e-scooter's battery is its lifeline. It's what keeps it moving, grooving, and cruising those streets.

So, giving it the TLC it deserves is a no-brainer, right?

Charging cables: Don’t skimp on quality

Ever tried using a dodgy charging cable for your phone? It's frustrating.

The same principle applies to your e-scooter. Compatibility and quality are key.

Related: 10 Tips For Maintaining Your Electric Scooter

Step-by-Step Guide to Charging Your E-Scooter

So, how do you ensure your e-scooter's battery sings rather than sags? Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.

Choose the right charger

Rule number one, folks: always, always use the manufacturer-approved charger.

Think of it as the golden handshake between your e-scooter and its power source.

Find the ideal charging environment

Would you sunbathe in the Arctic?

Probably not. Similarly, charging your e-scooter in direct sunlight or near a heat source is a big no-no.

A dry, cool spot is your battery's best mate.

Connect your charger correctly

Safety precautions when charging your e-scooter

Alright, before we delve into the nitty-gritty of charging, let's lay some ground rules to keep you and your e-scooter safe.

  • Keep it dry: First and foremost, always ensure the charging area is dry and free from potential hazards. It might sound like a no-brainer, but even a small spill can result in a short circuit or, worse, a fire. Just like you wouldn't plug your toaster into a bath, treat your e-scooter charger with the same respect!

  • Out of reach: If you've got curious pets or even more curious little ones running about, ensure the charger and socket are well out of their reach. Last thing you'd want is for them to play tug-of-war with the charging cable.

  • A stable surface: Always place your e-scooter on a stable surface while charging. This prevents it from tipping over and possibly causing damage or injury.

Remember, a little precaution goes a long way. Safety first, always!

Monitor the charging time

While binging on that new series might seem tempting, keep an eye on your e-scooter's charge.

Overcharging is the enemy. Once it's fully charged, unplug it and give your battery’s life a break.

Pause before you ride

You wouldn’t run a marathon right after a big meal, would you? The same logic applies here.

Let your e-scooter catch its breath after a full charge before you hit the road.

Store smartly for longevity

Think of storing your e-scooter like wine. It needs the right conditions.

Not too hot, not too cold, and certainly not fully charged if it's taking a long nap.

Battery health indicators: Is your e-scooter's battery feeling alright?

Just like checking your own pulse from time to time, it's a good idea to keep tabs on the health of your e-scooter battery.

Here's how:

  • Check the charge duration: If you've noticed that your e-scooter's battery is taking significantly longer to charge than usual, or if it's charging super-fast and running out just as quickly, that's another sign.

  • Reduced range: If fully charged batteries are not giving you the distance they used to, it's a telltale sign of reduced battery health.

  • Bulging or leaking batteries: Do a physical check now and then. If the battery is bulging or, worse, leaking, stop using the scooter and consult the manufacturer immediately.

  • Strange behaviours: If the battery feels unusually hot or you spot any odd behaviour (like the lights flickering), it's time for a health check.

Understanding these indicators can save you from potential hassles down the road. Better safe than sorry, right?

Related: Electric Scooters And IP Ratings - Here's What You Need to Know

Disposal & recycling: Treating old batteries with respect

Being eco-conscious isn't just about choosing green modes of transport like e-scooters; it's also about understanding the lifecycle of the products we use.

So, what happens when your trusty battery finally calls it a day?

  • No bin, please!: Batteries are not regular trash. Throwing them in the bin might seem like the easy way out, but it can be detrimental to the environment. Batteries can leach harmful chemicals into the ground when not disposed of properly.

  • Recycling centres to the rescue: Most towns and cities will have designated recycling centres that accept old batteries. These facilities are equipped to handle and process them in an environmentally-friendly way.

  • Retailer take-back: Some e-scooter shops or manufacturers might offer a battery take-back program. They take in old batteries and ensure they're recycled or disposed of responsibly. Worth checking out!

  • A little googling helps: If you're unsure where to dispose of your battery, a quick online search can provide locations of the nearest recycling centres that accept batteries.

Remember, each battery we dispose of properly is a step closer to a greener earth. Let's play our part!

Signs of a malfunctioning charger: Spotting the red flags

While we've been focusing a lot on lithium batteries, it's equally important to keep an eye on the device that powers them up.

Here's how to spot if your charger might be throwing in the towel:

  • Inconsistent charging times: If sometimes it's fast, and other times it's slow as a snail, your charger might be having issues.

  • Overheating: A little warmth is normal, but if your charger feels like it's fresh out of the oven, disconnect it and get it checked.

  • Physical damage: Frayed wires, exposed cables, or any visible damage is a sure-shot sign that your charger needs replacing.

  • The blinking game: Some chargers have LED indicators. If they're blinking in a pattern that's not mentioned in the manual, or if they're showing colours they're not supposed to, it's time for a closer look.

If in doubt, consult with the manufacturer or retailer. Using a malfunctioning charger can not only damage your battery but also pose safety risks.

Related: How To Choose The Right Battery For Your Electric Scooter

An electric scooter parked outdoors with the text "CHOOSING THE RIGHT BATTERY" in bold, colorful lettering at the top

Location Considerations

Alright, urban dweller, let's chat about where you're charging that e-scooter of yours.

Charging Stations vs. Home Sweet Home

Public charging stations are popping up everywhere. Convenient? Absolutely.

But charging at home gives you control over the environment and ensures safety.

Always Refer to the Manual

While the world of e-scooters can seem full of jargon and technicalities, there's one resource that has all the answers tailored to your specific model: the user manual.

This handy guide is a comprehensive resource that comes with your new electric scooter.

It will provide specifics about charge duration, when to plug on or plug off, how to maintain optimal battery level, and what LED indicators like the red LED light or green when fully charged mean.

Different models have varying requirements and features, so it's always wise to refer to the manual to ensure you charge it properly.

If ever in doubt, the manual is your go-to guide to ensure you're treating your scooter right.

The Bigger Picture: Charging and Its Environmental Impact

E-scooters are not just a mode of transport; they're a statement.

Every time you ride, you're contributing to reducing carbon footprints and embracing greener alternatives.

Charging your scooter correctly is an integral part of this.

Overcharging or improperly charging can reduce the battery’s life, leading to premature replacements.

These discarded lithium batteries can be detrimental if not disposed of or recycled correctly.

Thus, charging your electric scooter correctly not only ensures longer battery life but also minimises waste, ensuring we're genuinely embracing a sustainable mode of transport.

Remember, it's not just about individual benefits but the collective impact we have on our planet.

In Summary

Navigating the world of e-scooters might seem like a challenge, but with a bit of knowledge under your belt, you're ready to roll.

By charging your e-scooter the right way, you're not only ensuring smooth rides but also doing your bit for the planet.

So, the next time you plug in, remember these tips and treat your e-scooter to the love it deserves. After all, isn't it about enjoying the journey as much as the destination? Safe riding!


How long does it take to charge an electric scooter?

Charging an electric scooter can take anywhere from 4 to 20 hours, depending on the battery capacity and the charger used. Refer to the specific charging time table to estimate the duration needed to charge your scooter from 0% to 100%.

What is the best percentage to charge an electric scooter?

For daily use, aim to charge your electric scooter's battery to about 80-90% to balance performance and battery longevity. If storing for extended periods, charge to 50-60% to prevent self-discharge and preserve battery health.

How do you know if your electric scooter is charging?

Once your scooter is properly connected to the charger and outlet, an indicator light, typically red, will illuminate or flash to signal charging. This light will turn green when the scooter is fully charged. Ensure you let it charge until the green light appears.

Why is my electric scooter not charging all the way?

A defective charger might be the issue if your e-scooter isn't charging completely. Examine the charger port for any loose or damaged wire connections.

How much does it cost to charge an electric scooter?

Charging an electric scooter is surprisingly affordable. The cost can vary based on the size of the battery, the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in your area, and the efficiency of your charger. For example, if your electric scooter has a 0.25 kWh battery and your electricity rate is 24.5p per kWh, charging the battery from empty to full would cost just over 6p. Over a month of daily charging, this adds up to less than £2. Embracing electric scooters not only benefits the environment but also your wallet.

How to charge an electric scooter without a charger?

If you find yourself without the original charger, it’s possible to use a universal charger compatible with your scooter’s battery. Ensure the voltage and amperage match your scooter’s specifications to avoid damaging the battery. It’s crucial to refer to the scooter’s manual or contact the manufacturer for recommendations on suitable replacement chargers. Using an incompatible charger can lead to reduced battery life or even safety hazards.

Where to charge your electric scooter?

You have several options for charging your electric scooter:

  • Home Charging: The most convenient option. Ensure you have a dry, cool place to charge your scooter safely.
  • Public Charging Stations: Some cities offer public charging stations for electric vehicles, including scooters. These can be found in parking lots, shopping centres, and dedicated EV charging hubs.
  • Workplace Charging: If your workplace provides charging stations for electric vehicles, you might be able to charge your scooter while you work.
  • Retailers and Service Centres: Some scooter retailers and service centres offer charging facilities, which can be handy if you’re on the go.

Always ensure that the place where you charge your scooter is safe, secure, and follows the recommended environmental conditions to avoid any damage or hazards.

When should I charge my electric scooter?

Try not to let your battery run down too low before you charge it. Lithium batteries don’t perform at their best when they’re not sufficiently charged. Aim to keep your battery level above 30%. Avoid charging immediately after a ride; instead, wait at least 15 minutes to let the battery cool down. Fully charge your scooter every 2-3 months even if not in use to preserve battery health.

How do I know when my electric scooter is fully charged?

Most chargers have an LED indicator that changes color when the battery is fully charged. For example, it may turn from red to green. Check your scooter’s manual for specific details. Many modern scooters also come with an app that allows you to monitor the battery level in real-time, providing convenience and peace of mind.

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