Go Karting Gear for Your Kids

Imagine the wind rushing past as your child zooms around the go-kart track, their laughter trailing behind them like a flag of joy.

Go-karting is not just a pastime; it's an adventure that builds skills, confidence, and memories.

Yet, with every turn and every speed boost, safety becomes paramount.

The right safety gear ensures that your child's go-karting experience is not only thrilling but also secure.

Essential Safety Gear

One kid pushing another kid on a go kart

Helmets, Suits, Gloves, Shoes, Rib Protectors, 4-Point Restraint Safety Belt, Neck Braces

When it comes to go-karting, the adrenaline and excitement should never compromise safety.

The essential gear for young racers is designed to protect from head to toe, ensuring that the thrill of the race is matched by the thoroughness of their protection.

Here’s a closer look at each critical piece of safety equipment.


A helmet is the most vital piece of safety equipment in go-karting.

It should be specifically designed for motorsports, offering full-face protection to shield against impacts, flying debris, and the elements.

Look for helmets that meet or exceed safety standards set by reputable organisations such as the Snell Memorial Foundation or the Department of Transportation.

Ensure the helmet fits snugly around the head and chin, with no room for movement, to provide maximum protection.


Racing suits are designed to offer protection against abrasions and burns in the event of a crash.

These suits are typically made from fire-resistant materials like Nomex, providing an essential barrier between the driver and potential hazards.

For kids, a suit should fit comfortably, allowing full range of movement without being overly baggy, which could catch on parts of the kart or equipment.


Racing gloves protect the hands from blisters, abrasions, and in some cases, fire.

They also improve grip on the steering wheel, giving drivers better control over their kart.

Gloves should fit well and be made of durable, fire-resistant material, with enough flexibility to allow for easy manipulation of the kart's controls.



Go-karting shoes protect the feet and ankles and enhance pedal control through better grip.

Like gloves, they should be made from durable, fire-resistant material.

Shoes should offer a snug fit to prevent slipping off the pedals but also need to be comfortable enough to allow for the nuanced pedal work required in racing.

Rib Protectors

Rib protectors are essential for absorbing and distributing the force generated during high-speed cornering, which can otherwise put significant strain on a driver’s torso.

A well-fitted rib protector can help prevent bruising or more serious injuries to the ribcage and surrounding organs.

It should be adjustable to ensure a tight fit against the body, regardless of the driver's size or shape.

4-Point Restraint Safety Belt

A 4-point restraint safety belt is crucial for keeping the driver securely in their seat.

Unlike standard seatbelts, these are designed to restrain the shoulders and waist, providing superior protection in the event of a collision or rollover.

The belts should be adjustable to accommodate growth and varying layers of clothing, ensuring a secure fit every time.

Neck Braces

Neck braces support the helmet and head during racing, reducing strain and preventing severe neck injuries during crashes.

They are designed to sit comfortably on the shoulders and maintain the neck in a neutral position, absorbing and distributing forces away from the neck.

A good neck brace will be adjustable and compatible with the helmet, ensuring that it does not restrict movement or visibility.

Each piece of gear plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of young go-kart enthusiasts.

Investing in high-quality, well-fitted equipment is investing in your child's safety, comfort, and confidence on the track.

Always consult with experienced professionals or go-karting instructors to ensure that you select the best gear for your young racer's needs.

Choosing the Right Size

Helmets, Suits, Shoes, Gloves, Rib Protectors, Neck Braces

Ensuring the correct fit for go-karting gear is not just about comfort; it's about safety.

Ill-fitting equipment can significantly reduce the protection it offers, making the selection of the right size for helmets, suits, shoes, gloves, rib protectors, and neck braces crucial.

Here's how to choose the right sizes for each essential piece of safety gear.


A helmet must fit snugly around the head without being uncomfortably tight.

Measure the circumference of your child's head at the widest point (usually about an inch above the eyebrows) to start.

Use this measurement against the manufacturer's sizing chart.

A proper helmet should sit squarely on the head, with the front rim above the eyebrows.

It should not rock side to side or front to back, and the chin strap should fit securely.


Racing suits should provide a close fit without restricting movement.

To find the right size, measure your child's height, chest, waist, hips, and inseam.

Compare these measurements with the sizing chart of the suit manufacturer.

Remember, the suit should allow for flexibility and movement, especially in the arms and legs, without excess material that could catch or bunch up.


Footwear should be snug but not tight, allowing for comfortable pedal operation.

Measure your child's foot from heel to toe and compare it with the manufacturer's sizing chart.

Consider the type of socks your child will wear while racing when choosing the size.

Racing shoes should fit closely to prevent slipping off the pedals but not be so tight as to restrict blood flow.


Gloves need to fit well to maintain dexterity and control.

Measure around the widest part of your child's hand, excluding the thumb, and from the tip of the middle finger to the base of the hand.

These measurements will help you find the correct size that allows for a snug fit without cutting off circulation or leaving excess material that could impede grip.

Rib Protectors

Rib protectors should fit tightly around the torso to offer effective protection.

Measure your child's chest and waist, and select a size that aligns with these measurements while ensuring the protector can be adjusted for a close, comfortable fit.

It should cover the ribs without restricting breathing or movement.

Neck Braces

Neck braces should comfortably support the helmet's weight without pressing too hard against the shoulders or collarbone.

Measure your child's neck circumference and check the brace's length to ensure it sits properly on the shoulders.

An adjustable neck brace is ideal as it can be fine-tuned for a perfect fit.

Maintenance and Care of Go-Karting Gear

Proper maintenance and care of go-karting gear are crucial for ensuring the safety and longevity of the equipment.

Each piece of gear requires specific attention to keep it in optimal condition:

  • Helmets: Clean the helmet regularly with mild soap and water, focusing on both the exterior shell and interior padding. Check for any cracks or signs of wear that could compromise its protective integrity. Store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Suits: Follow the washing instructions carefully, usually involving cold water and hand washing or gentle cycle options. Air dry the suit away from direct heat or sunlight to prevent shrinking and fabric degradation.
  • Gloves and Shoes: Like suits, these should be cleaned according to manufacturer instructions, typically with mild soap and water. Allow them to air dry completely before storing to prevent the buildup of odors and bacteria.
  • Rib Protectors and Neck Braces: Wipe down with a damp cloth after use and inspect for any signs of damage or wear. Ensure all straps and adjustments work correctly and replace any part that shows signs of failure.

Regular inspections will help you identify when gear needs more thorough cleaning, repair, or replacement, keeping your child safe on the track.

Adjusting Gear for Growth and Comfort

As children grow, their go-karting gear will need adjustments to ensure a proper fit and maintain safety.

Here’s how to manage gear through growth spurts:

  • Helmets: Look for models with adjustable padding or liners that can be replaced with different sizes to accommodate growth without compromising safety.
  • Suits: Choose suits with adjustable belts or elastic sections that can stretch or tighten as needed. Some suits come with cuffs that can be rolled up or down to extend their length.
  • Gloves and Shoes: While less adjustable, it's important to check these items regularly for fit. Slight increases in size can be accommodated with different insoles for shoes or stretching gloves, but replacement is often needed as hands and feet grow.
  • Rib Protectors and Neck Braces: Many of these items come with adjustable straps or panels that can be resized. Ensure these adjustments are made to keep the fit snug and protective as your child grows.

General Tips for Choosing the Right Size

  • Try Before You Buy: Whenever possible, have your child try on the gear before purchasing to ensure a proper fit.
  • Consult Sizing Charts: Always refer to the manufacturer's sizing charts, which take into account the specific designs and fits of their gear.
  • Consider Growth: For growing children, consider gear that offers some adjustability to accommodate growth spurts, without compromising on safety.
  • Seek Professional Advice: If in doubt, consult with professionals at your local go-kart track or specialty racing gear retailer. They can provide valuable insights and fitting services.

Correctly sized gear ensures maximum protection and comfort, allowing young racers to focus on the thrill of go-karting with confidence.

Measuring for Go-Karting Gear

Height and Weight, Consulting Sizing Charts, Comfort and Reach

Selecting the right go-karting gear for your child involves more than just picking out the best brands; it requires precise measurements to ensure each piece of equipment fits perfectly and offers the protection and comfort needed for them to enjoy racing safely.

Here’s how to measure your child for their go-karting gear, focusing on height and weight, consulting sizing charts, and ensuring comfort and reach.

Height and Weight

Start with the basics: accurately measure your child's height and weight.

These measurements are foundational for selecting gear, as they impact the size and type of equipment needed.

  • Height: Have your child stand against a wall with their shoes off, feet together, and back straight. Use a tape measure or a height chart to measure from the floor to the top of their head.
  • Weight: Use a reliable scale in the morning before breakfast for the most accurate measurement. Knowing the weight is crucial, especially for safety equipment like helmets and suits, which are designed to protect based on the wearer's body mass.

Consulting Sizing Charts

With height and weight in hand, you can consult the sizing charts provided by gear manufacturers.

These charts are tailored to their specific products and will guide you in selecting the correct sizes.

Keep in mind that sizing can vary significantly between brands, so it’s important to check each manufacturer’s chart rather than assuming a uniform size across all gear.

  • Sizing Charts for Each Piece of Gear: Look for detailed charts that include measurements for helmets, suits, gloves, shoes, rib protectors, and neck braces. These charts often include instructions for measuring other areas of the body, such as chest, waist, hips, arm length, and leg length, which are pertinent for suits and rib protectors.

Comfort and Reach

Ensuring the gear not only fits but also allows for comfortable movement and reach is essential.

Go-karting demands quick reflexes and precise movements, so gear must enable your child to operate the kart effectively.

  • Comfort: Gear should be snug but not restrictive, allowing for full range of motion. For suits and gloves, observe how they fit around the joints; there should be enough room to bend and move without constraint.
  • Reach: In the context of go-karting, reach primarily concerns how well your child can operate the controls of the kart. Test how well they can move their hands and feet while wearing gloves and shoes, simulating the actions of driving. The gear should not impede their ability to reach and manipulate the steering wheel, pedals, or any other controls.

When to Replace Go-Karting Gear

Go-karting gear should be replaced when it shows signs of significant wear, damage, or no longer fits properly. Here are key indicators:

  • Helmets: Replace immediately if there are any cracks, severe scratches, or after a significant impact, even if no damage is visible. Helmets have a lifespan of 3-5 years due to material degradation.
  • Suits: Look for thinning fabric, tears, or seams coming apart as signs that the suit needs replacing. Also, replace the suit if it no longer fits comfortably.
  • Gloves and Shoes: Worn-out grip on gloves or soles of shoes compromises safety and performance. Also, replace if they become too tight.
  • Rib Protectors and Neck Braces: Visible cracks, broken straps, or padding that has become compressed and doesn't regain shape are clear signs these items need replacement.

General Tips for Measuring

  • Use a Soft Tape Measure: For body measurements, a soft tape measure used for tailoring can provide more accurate results than a rigid metal tape measure.
  • Measure More Than Once: To ensure accuracy, take each measurement at least twice. It’s easy to get slightly different results, especially if your child moves or the tape measure shifts.
  • Consider the Layering of Clothing: Remember that your child will be wearing their racing suit over their regular clothes. Take this into account when measuring for suits and other gear.
  • Professional Fitting: If possible, consider a professional fitting session, especially for critical items like helmets and suits. Many specialty retailers offer this service and can provide valuable advice on fitting and adjusting gear for the best protection and performance.

By taking accurate measurements and carefully selecting each piece of go-karting gear, you can ensure your child not only enjoys the thrill of racing but also stays safe on the track.

Instilling Safety Practices Beyond Gear

Safety in go-karting extends beyond just wearing the right gear; it involves instilling safe driving practices:

  • Understanding the Track: Teach your child to understand track layouts, including where hazards might be and how to navigate them safely.
  • Respecting Other Racers: Emphasise the importance of respecting other drivers on the track, including following rules, maintaining safe distances, and executing overtakes responsibly.
  • Learning from Mistakes: Encourage your child to learn from any mistakes or accidents on the track, viewing them as opportunities to improve their safety awareness and driving skills.
  • Pre- and Post-Drive Checks: Show your child how to check their kart before and after driving, looking for any potential issues that could affect safety.

By focusing on these additional aspects of safety, you can help ensure that your child not only enjoys go-karting but also respects the sport and the importance of safety within it.


Go-karting gear is the unsung hero of the racetrack, working behind the scenes to keep your child safe as they pursue their need for speed.

By choosing the right gear, ensuring a proper fit, and understanding the role of each piece, you can provide your child with a go-karting experience that is both safe and exhilarating.

Remember, the goal is not just to protect them but to empower them with confidence on the track, knowing they are fully equipped to take on the challenge.

Let's gear up for safety, fun, and the thrill of the race.


What age is appropriate for children to start go-karting?

Children can start go-karting at various ages, but many tracks and clubs have programs for children as young as 8 years old. The appropriate age often depends on the child's ability to understand and follow safety instructions, their physical coordination, and the availability of gear sized for younger drivers. Always check with local tracks for their age requirements and recommendations.

Can go-karting help develop my child's driving skills for the future?

Yes, go-karting is an excellent way for children to develop foundational driving skills that will benefit them in the future. It teaches them about vehicle control, spatial awareness, and safe driving practices in a controlled environment. Moreover, go-karting can improve reaction times, hand-eye coordination, and decision-making skills under pressure.

Is go-karting safe for children with no previous driving experience?

Go-karting can be safe for children without previous driving experience, provided they receive proper instruction and wear the correct safety gear. Many go-kart tracks offer beginner sessions where children can learn basic driving techniques and safety protocols under the supervision of experienced instructors.

How can I ensure my child stays interested and engaged in go-karting?

Keeping your child interested in go-karting involves supporting their growth and development within the sport. Encourage them to participate in go-karting schools or camps, where they can learn new skills and make friends with similar interests. Setting goals, celebrating achievements, and gradually introducing competitive elements as they become more confident can also help maintain their enthusiasm.

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