Should You Lean Into Corners In Go-karting?

Imagine you're on a go-kart track, the wind rushing past you, the roar of the engine in your ears, and a sharp corner approaching.

If you're looking to master such corners, our pro tips to master go-kart cornering can be a great resource.

Instinctively, you might think leaning into the corner, like a motorcyclist, is the way to go.

But is it?

The Basics of Go-karting Dynamics

Go-karting isn't just about speed and thrill; it's a dance of physics and precision.

Understanding the basics can significantly improve your performance and safety.

Related: Does Go Karting Make You A Better Driver?

Importance of Weight Distribution

Weight distribution plays a pivotal role in how a go-kart manoeuvres.

Proper distribution ensures stability, grip, and optimal speed. Think of it like balancing a seesaw. If one side is heavier, it affects the entire balance.

Common Misconceptions

Many believe that leaning into a corner can help with speed and stability.

It's an understandable assumption, especially when we see professional motorcyclists do it.

But go-karts aren't motorcycles, and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for the other.

Why Leaning Into Corners Isn't Recommended

Leaning into a corner might seem intuitive, but it can be counterproductive in go-karting.

Impact on Inside Wheels

When you lean into a corner, you're placing more weight on the inside wheels.

This is the opposite of what's needed. Instead of aiding your turn, it can hinder it, reducing your kart's grip and stability.

Remember the seesaw analogy?

You're essentially tipping it too far one way.

The Science Behind Weight Distribution

In go-karting, the aim is to keep the weight distributed over the centre of the kart.

This ensures that all four wheels maintain maximum contact and grip with the track.

Leaning disrupts this balance, making your kart less predictable and harder to control.

"If you have everything under control, you're not moving fast enough."

- Mario Andretti

Alternative Techniques for Better Grip

So, if leaning into corners isn't the answer, what is?

Shifting Body Weight

Some sources suggest shifting your body weight into the turn and then leaning back as you reaccelerate.

This technique can help in certain situations, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.

It's like adding a bit of flair to a dance move – it can look great, but timing and technique are crucial.

The Art of Reacceleration

Exiting a corner is just as important as entering it. By leaning back as you reaccelerate, you can help distribute the weight to the back wheels, aiding in traction and speed.

It's a bit like pushing off in a swimming race – that initial burst can make all the difference.

Kart Handling and Stability

Understanding the nuances of kart handling can make a significant difference in your racing experience.

A kart's stability, especially during cornering, is influenced by various factors, including weight distribution, tyre grip, and driving techniques.

Related: All About Go Kart Tyres | The Ultimate Resource

a man in a yellow top and hat pointing at a go kart tyre

Racing Techniques for Optimal Cornering

While we've established that leaning into corners isn't ideal, there are other racing techniques that can enhance your cornering speed and precision.

For those looking to turn corners faster, our guide on how to turn corners faster in go-karting can be invaluable.

Additionally, if you're aiming to win races, understanding the best go-kart racing tips can give you an edge.

"If you can leave two black stripes from the exit of one corner to the braking zone of the next, you have enough horsepower."

- Mark Donohue

For instance, understanding the racing line – the optimal path around the track – can help you approach corners more efficiently.

Conclusion: The Best Way to Navigate Corners

Go-karting is a blend of skill, understanding, and instinct. While leaning into corners might seem like the right move, it's best avoided.

But, if you're wondering whether you should drift go-karts during races, we have insights on that too.

Instead, focus on understanding your kart's dynamics and weight distribution.

Remember, it's not about mimicking other vehicles but mastering your own.

So, the next time you're faced with a sharp bend, sit square, stay centred, and enjoy the ride!


How should you sit in a go-kart for optimal performance?

For optimal performance in a go-kart, ensure you can comfortably reach the pedals with slightly bent legs and grasp the steering wheel at approximately the west and east positions without leaning forward excessively.

What are some common mistakes to avoid while cornering in go-karting?

While cornering, it's essential not to lean towards the apex, as this misplaces weight on the inside wheels. Instead, maintain a squared seating position, ensuring weight remains centred in the kart.

How do you approach corners in go-karting for maximum efficiency?

Approach corners by understanding the racing line, which is the optimal path around the track. Begin wide, hit the apex (the innermost point of the corner), and then exit wide. This technique ensures a smooth and fast cornering experience.

Why do kart drivers lean forward, especially during straight paths?

Leaning forward during straight paths or when accelerating can help in shifting the weight to the front wheels, providing better traction and potentially increasing speed. However, it's essential to revert to a balanced posture during corners.

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