Here Are the Best Drift Go-Karts for Beginners

Unlike your traditional go-kart, drift karts are designed for sliding and gliding around corners in style.

Perfect for adrenaline junkies and motorsport enthusiasts alike, drift go-karts offer an accessible entry into the exciting world of kart racing.

Why Drift Go-Karting?

Should You Drift Go-Karts During Races?

So, why drift karting?

Well, it's the perfect mix of thrill and skill.

Drifting isn't just about going fast; it's about controlling your kart with precision as you navigate turns at high speeds.

It's an exhilarating challenge that's as rewarding as it is fun.

Plus, it's a fantastic way to get into motorsports without breaking the bank.

Choosing Your First Drift Go-Kart

Picking the Right Speedster

Choosing your first drift go-kart can be daunting, but it's all about finding the right fit for you.

Consider speed, handling, and performance. A kart that can hit 40+ mph while maintaining good handling is a solid choice.

It's all about balance; you want a kart that's fast enough to drift but not so powerful that it's hard to control.

Electric vs. Petrol

Petrol vs. Electric Go-Karts

When it comes to the type of go-kart, you've got two main choices: electric and petrol.

Electric karts are quieter and generally easier to maintain, while petrol karts offer that authentic motorsport feel with engine noise and vibrations.

Think about what excites you more and what you're comfortable maintaining.

Top Electric Drift Go-Karts for Beginners

Electric drift karts are all the rage, and for good reason. They're eco-friendly, less noisy, and perfect for indoor tracks.

Some top picks for beginners include the RiiRoo MaxDriftz™ Electric Go Kart and the McLaren 24V Drift Kart.

These models offer great balance between speed and control, making them ideal for those just starting out.

RiiRoo MaxDriftz™ Electric Go Kart

RiiRoo MaxDriftz™ Electric Go Kart

The RiiRoo MaxDriftz™ is a dream start for any aspiring drifter.

Powered by a dual 12V battery setup, this kart is designed to deliver thrilling speeds while maintaining excellent control and stability, making it ideal for beginners.

Its robust design and adjustable seat ensure that it can accommodate a wide range of ages and sizes, ensuring a comfortable fit for most young enthusiasts.

The MaxDriftz™ also features responsive handling and a drift-specific rear axle, allowing new drivers to experience the excitement of drifting in a safe and controlled environment.

RiiRoo MaxDriftz™ 750


For those looking for a bit more power, the MaxDriftz™ 750 steps up the game with a 24V battery system and a 750W motor.

This increase in power translates to more speed and a more exhilarating drift experience.

Despite its higher power, the MaxDriftz™ 750 maintains ease of control, making it a fantastic option for beginners ready to push their limits a little further.

The kart also boasts durable construction and safety features like a sturdy frame and seat belt, emphasizing safety alongside performance.

McLaren 24V Drift Kart

McLaren 24V Drift Kart

The McLaren 24V Drift Kart brings a touch of luxury and prestige to the beginner's experience.

Inspired by McLaren's racing pedigree, this kart offers not only performance but also style.

With a 24V battery powering the kart, young racers can enjoy a blend of speed and smooth handling that's rare in entry-level models.

The design mimics the iconic McLaren supercars, making it a hit for fans of the brand and those who dream of racing fame.

MaxDriftz™ 350 Electric Go Kart

Kids-24V-Go-Kart-Racing-Ride-On-Kart-Car (1).jpg

The MaxDriftz™ 350 is another excellent option for young drift enthusiasts. It's equipped with a 24V battery but focuses on delivering a balanced experience with a 350W motor.

This kart is tuned for ease of use, with a focus on providing a safe and fun introduction to drifting.

It's perfect for younger kids or beginners who are just getting their bearings in the world of go-karting.

Like its siblings, the MaxDriftz™ 350 emphasises safety, featuring a durable build and essential safety gear.

Each of these karts offers something unique to the beginner, from the thrill of drifting to the joy of driving a kart that looks like it came straight off the race track.

Whether it's the robust and reliable RiiRoo MaxDriftz™, the powerful MaxDriftz™ 750, the stylish McLaren 24V, or the balanced MaxDriftz™ 350, there's an electric drift kart tailored to the needs and dreams of every young racer.

With eco-friendly designs, these karts not only promise endless fun but also teach valuable lessons in driving skill and environmental responsibility.

Top Petrol Go-Karts for Beginners

If you're leaning towards petrol go-karts, consider models like the Bambino class for younger racers and the Junior class for those a bit older.

These karts offer a more traditional karting experience, with the sound and feel of a petrol engine under your control.

Bambino Class Go-Karts

Bambino Final - Round 8 - Shenington Kart Racing Club

The Bambino class is specifically tailored for the youngest racers, typically ages 6-8, offering a safe and controlled introduction to the world of petrol go-karting.

Karts in this class are designed with safety and manageability in mind, featuring lower speeds and simplified controls to match the skill level and physical capabilities of younger drivers.

They provide a solid foundation in driving and racing basics, including steering, braking, and understanding how to control a kart with a real petrol engine.

Learning in a Bambino class kart teaches essential skills in a fun and exciting way, fostering a love for the sport from a young age.

Junior Class Go-Karts

2019 FIA Karting Junior Class

As young racers grow and develop their skills, moving up to the Junior class offers the next step in their karting journey.

This class caters to racers aged approximately 8-13, presenting more power and a more sophisticated driving experience while still prioritizing safety and control.

Junior class karts often feature adjustable settings to cater to growing skill levels, allowing drivers to gradually adapt to faster speeds and more responsive handling as they become more comfortable and competent behind the wheel.

These karts are typically built with a focus on durability and performance, providing a more immersive driving experience that includes the challenge of managing fuel levels, understanding engine behavior, and mastering the art of cornering with a more powerful machine.

The transition from Bambino to Junior class karts is a significant milestone in a young racer's development, offering a deeper connection with the mechanics of driving and a greater sense of achievement as they tackle more challenging tracks and competitions.

Mastering Control and Safety

An asian man celebrating learning how to drive a go kart

Safety First

No matter how fast you're going, safety should always be your top priority.

Look for karts with essential safety features like roll cages, seat belts, and impact-absorbing materials.

Remember, the goal is to have fun and stay safe, not just to go fast.

Handling Your Kart

Good control and handling are crucial, especially for beginners. Opt for karts that are known for their ease of maneuverability.

This will make learning to drift much more enjoyable and less intimidating.

The Technical Side: Speed, Power, and Build Quality

Understanding the technical aspects of your drift kart can significantly enhance your driving experience.

Speed and power are important, but they need to be balanced with good build quality.

A durable, well-built kart will not only last longer but also provide a safer and more reliable ride.

Budgeting for Your Hobby

Getting into drift karting doesn't have to break the bank, but it's important to be aware of the costs involved.

From the initial purchase to maintenance and gear, having a clear budget in mind will help you enjoy the sport without financial stress.

Remember, sometimes spending a bit more upfront can save you money in the long run on repairs and upgrades.

Enhancing Your Experience

Learning from Others

Don't underestimate the value of customer reviews and community advice.

Hearing from others who were once in your shoes can provide invaluable insights and tips.

Gear Up

Investing in quality protective gear is a must. Helmets, gloves, and proper footwear can make a big difference in both safety and comfort.

Get Support

Look out for training programs or clubs that can offer guidance and support as you learn.

Being part of a community can also make the experience more enjoyable and rewarding.

Looking Ahead: Future Opportunities in Drift Karting

As you get more comfortable and skilled in drifting, you'll find there are endless opportunities to grow and evolve in the sport.

Whether it's competitive racing, joining clubs, or simply enjoying the hobby with friends, drift karting can be a lifelong passion.


How does drifting in a go-kart differ from regular kart racing techniques?

Drifting in a go-kart involves a controlled loss of traction in the rear wheels to navigate corners in a sliding motion, which is distinct from traditional kart racing techniques focused on maintaining grip for speed and precision. While drifting adds a thrill and showcases the driver's skill in controlling the slide, it inherently slows down the kart, making it less suitable for competitive racing, where the goal is to achieve the fastest lap times. In essence, drifting is more about the art and excitement of handling the kart in a slide, whereas regular racing emphasizes speed, accuracy, and the optimal racing line around the track.

Why might electric go-karts be a preferred option for beginner drifters?

Electric go-karts are often favoured by beginner drifters due to their adjustable speed settings, which can be tailored to match the driver's skill level and confidence. This feature allows beginners to start at lower speeds, focusing on mastering the basics of drifting without the overwhelming power that can come with petrol karts. As the driver becomes more comfortable and skilled in drifting techniques, the speed can be incrementally increased, providing a safer and more controlled learning progression. Additionally, electric karts offer a smoother power delivery, which can help in achieving more consistent drifts as beginners learn to balance throttle control and steering to maintain a slide.

How can beginners improve their drifting skills in go-karts?

Beginners can improve their drifting skills in go-karts by starting with the basics of kart control and gradually practising more advanced techniques. It's crucial to learn throttle control, as managing your speed is key to successful drifting. Beginners should also practice the "feint" or "Scandinavian flick," a technique where the driver briefly steers away from a turn before sharply steering into it, helping to initiate a drift. Time on the track is invaluable; consider attending drift-specific training sessions or workshops, and don't be afraid to ask more experienced drifters for tips and advice.

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