Updated: 31.5.24

There's a saying in motorsports: "Slow in, fast out." This golden rule encapsulates the idea that the quickest way around a track isn't always about flooring the accelerator, but also about mastering the art of brakingGo Kart Braking: How To Drive Faster

In go-karting, this couldn't be more true. Here, you'll find an extensive range of go-karts catering to both beginners and experienced racers.

By fully understanding and implementing effective braking techniques, you can shave seconds off your lap time, outmanoeuvre your competitors, and transform from an amateur to a pro.

Ready to amp up your game?

Let's get to it!

The Short Answer to "Go Kart Braking: How To Drive Faster (+ Trail Braking)"

Trail braking, a key to achieving greater speed in go-karting, involves braking at the final moment until reaching the apex. This technique starts with heavy braking, inducing oversteer, and then slowly releasing the brake pressure. Braking is initiated in a straight line, easing off as the turn is entered, complemented with smooth throttle input, ensuring the kart remains stable throughout the turn. This stability allows for optimal cornering speeds. A renowned guideline among go-kart professionals is "slow in, fast out." It suggests that light brake pressure is applied to decelerate when entering a turn. Upon exit, accelerate while keeping the wheel straight. Precise brake application is crucial; too rapid can lock the wheels and compromise kart control. Victory hinges on maintaining kart control and capitalising on moments to boost speed.

Technique Description
Trail Braking Braking at the final moment until reaching the apex, starting with heavy braking, inducing oversteer, and slowly releasing the brake pressure.
Power Braking Keeping your foot on the throttle while simultaneously applying the brakes, offering increased speed but risking overheating the engine and brakes.
Late Braking Slowing down as late as possible before a corner while ensuring you can still make the turn, requiring practice and precision.
Looking Ahead Shifting your focus to the braking point as you approach a corner, then to the apex, and finally to the corner's exit for optimal racing line and speed.
Strategic Braking Braking before the corner on a straight part of the track to decelerate smoothly and keep the kart stable for perfect cornering.


This principle is well-explained in our guide to quicker cornering.

The Basics of Go Kart Braking

The Importance of Looking Ahead

First things first. Your eyes lead the way in go-kart racing. Where you look is where you'll end up.

Focusing on the right points at the right time will enhance your braking efficiency and drive faster.

Braking Technique Key Points
Looking Ahead Shift focus from braking point to apex, then to corner exit for optimal line and speed.
Early Braking Brake before the corner on a straight part of the track to decelerate smoothly and keep the kart stable.
Smooth Braking Avoid sudden or harsh braking to maintain control and stability of the kart.
Consistent Pressure Apply consistent brake pressure to avoid locking wheels and losing control.
Gradual Release Gradually release the brake pressure as you enter the corner to maintain stability and speed.


So, what are these points?

As you approach a corner, shift your focus to the braking point. Once there, turn your gaze to the apex, and once you've hit it, look to the corner's exit.

This line of sight isn't just about safety; it ensures you have the ideal racing line, allowing you to maintain maximum speed while negotiating the corner.

Related: Ten Facts You Didn't Know About Go-Karts

Ten Facts You Didn't Know About Go-Karts

The Right Time to Brake

Go-karts are simplistic in design, which means they lack the complex suspension and tyre grip you'd find in a car.

So, your braking needs to be strategic. We delve into this in more detail in our article on drifting in go-kart races.

Braking while turning leads to oversteer, where the back end of your kart swings out, killing your speed and momentum.

To avoid this, the trick is to brake before the corner, on a straight part of the track.

Doing so allows you to decelerate smoothly, keep the kart stable, and set yourself up for the perfect cornering.

Advanced Go Kart Braking Techniques

Trail Braking: The Game Changer

Have you ever seen professional racers effortlessly glide around corners at seemingly impossible speeds?

They're likely using a technique known as trail braking. Our guide on enhancing your go-kart racing performance provides detailed insights on mastering this technique.

Trail braking is an advanced skill where you blend braking and turning simultaneously.

It allows you to brake a tad later than usual, but more importantly, it lets you manipulate your go-kart's mass to aid corner entry, improving your speed around the bend.

To trail brake effectively, hit the brakes hard while you're still in a straight line, without any steering input, to decelerate as swiftly as possible.

Once you've partially released the brakes, initiate the turn into the corner.

The level of trail braking required will depend on your kart's balance.

The goal?

To utilise the full grip from your four tyres by adjusting your brake pressure, altering your kart’s pitch and optimising your speed.

Power Braking: A Risky Move

The Risk and Reward of Power Braking

For the risk-takers among us, there's power braking. This technique involves keeping your foot on the throttle while braking.

Tips On How To Drive A Go Kart For The First Time

While it may seem counterintuitive, it can offer increased speed in certain circumstances.

But keep in mind, proper practice to improve your go-karting is essential.

However, power braking isn't for the faint-hearted. Overuse can lead to overheating of your kart's engine and brakes, which could result in damage.

So, while it's a tool to keep in your arsenal, it's best to use it sparingly and with great care.

The Art of Late Braking

Braking late, like trail braking, is an art form that can result in tremendous speed gains if done correctly.

It involves pushing the boundaries, slowing down as late as possible before a corner while ensuring you can still make the turn.

As you gradually release the brake, drive towards the apex, carrying the momentum forward.

However, it's crucial to remember that late braking doesn't mean reckless braking.

It's a calculated move requiring practice and precision to avoid ending up off the track.

Safety First: Precautions with Braking Techniques

Staying Safe While Pushing Limits

While go-karting is indeed an exhilarating sport, it also involves inherent risks that we must address.

As you venture into the realm of advanced braking techniques, remember that safety should never take a back seat. We discuss this and more in our guide on go-kart suitability.

Braking late or using power braking can, if misjudged, lead to accidents.

Remember to always maintain control over your go-kart and never push beyond your comfort level abruptly.

Master these techniques gradually, increasing your speed and pushing your limits a little further each time.

Ensure your go-kart is in top-notch condition, with the braking system regularly checked and maintained. And if you're just starting out or looking for a safer alternative for your child, consider our kids electric go-karts.

Never underestimate the importance of good quality safety gear, including a well-fitted helmet, gloves, and suitable footwear.

Physical and Mental Preparation for Improved Speed

Physical Conditioning for Go-Kart Racing

While it may seem like you're just sitting and driving, go-karting can be physically demanding.

The forces experienced during sharp turns, the constant vibration of the kart, and the physical exertion of controlling the kart can be taxing.

Having a basic level of physical fitness can help you handle these strains.

Exercises targeting your core, arms, and shoulders can be beneficial.

Stamina-building cardio workouts like running or cycling can help improve your endurance during long races.

Mental Preparation: The Mindset of a Winner

When it comes to shaving off those crucial seconds from your lap time, mental preparation is just as vital as physical fitness and mastering braking techniques.

Go-karting requires a good deal of concentration, quick decision-making, and a competitive mindset.

Practising mindfulness exercises can help improve your focus, while visualisation techniques can aid in mentally rehearsing your race strategy and braking points.


Cultivate a positive yet competitive mindset, acknowledging that every race, every lap, is a step towards improvement.

Remember, even the best racers are always learning, always evolving.

Embrace this mindset, and you'll find yourself not only driving faster but also enjoying the sport more.


Whether it's a Sunday race with mates or a competitive event, mastering braking techniques in go-karting is a game-changer.

From looking ahead, understanding when to brake, to leveraging advanced techniques like trail braking and power braking, each aspect contributes to a faster and more efficient drive.

Remember, it's not just about speed; it's about control. With every lap, every brake, every turn, you're not just racing; you're learning, improving, and mastering the art of go-karting.

Now, are you ready to hit the track and make every second count?


What differentiates trail braking from power braking in go-karting?

Trail braking and power braking are both advanced braking techniques in go-karting, but they serve different purposes. Trail braking is all about manipulating the kart's weight distribution during cornering. By applying the brakes late and gradually releasing the pressure into the corner, you can keep more weight on the front wheels, giving better steering control. On the other hand, power braking involves keeping your foot on the throttle while simultaneously applying the brakes. It's a more aggressive technique and can lead to faster acceleration out of corners but needs to be used judiciously as it can cause overheating of the engine and brakes.

How can you rectify common mistakes made during trail braking in go-karting?

One common mistake is applying too much brake pressure too quickly, which can cause the kart to oversteer excessively or even spin out. To avoid this, start by applying brake pressure gently and increasing it progressively. Another mistake is not releasing the brake pressure gradually as you turn into the corner, which can unsettle the kart and decrease the cornering speed. Practice smooth, progressive release of the brake as you steer into the turn.

How can simulator training improve your braking technique in go-karting?

Simulator training can be a powerful tool for improving your braking technique. It allows you to practice different braking methods like trail braking and late braking in a risk-free environment. With real-time feedback on your performance, you can understand the effects of your braking inputs better and make adjustments accordingly. It's also a great way to learn new tracks and understand where the optimal braking points are.

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