a young woman racing around an indoor go kart

Oh, the joys of go-karting – the rush of the wind in your face, the thrill of speed, and the exhilaration of manoeuvring those tight corners.

It's all fun and games until you find yourself stuck in a tricky spot, needing to reverse but realising your kart lacks that feature.

Frustrating, isn't it?

Having to wriggle your way out, or even worse, hop off your kart to manually shift it.

Now, imagine being able to navigate such situations effortlessly, simply by pulling a lever or pressing a button. Interested in knowing more?

Read about how mastering go-kart transmissions can transform your driving experience.

Envision having the freedom to glide backwards smoothly whenever you need to.

That's the luxury a reverse gear can offer.

Yes, adding a reverse feature to your go-kart might come with a few considerations, such as potential added weight and the complexity of installation.

In fact, if you've ever wondered how much an electric go-kart weighs, it's worth noting that modifications like these could impact this.

But the convenience, enhanced manoeuvrability, and increased safety it offers can make it a worthy addition to your go-karting experience.

So, Do Go-Karts Have Reverse?

Go-karts generally don't come with reverse capabilities. This is especially true for petrol and racing go-karts, which aim to remain as lightweight as possible. However, you can add a reverse function to a go-kart by installing a special reverse gearbox or an electric motor that powers a V-belt to the axle. This setup uses a lever system or button switch to engage reverse, allowing the go-kart to travel backwards. Therefore, while reverse is not a standard feature in go-karts, it can be incorporated with certain modifications.

Related: Do Go-Karts Have Gears?

Which Go-Karts Typically Have Reverse?

Electric go-karts commonly feature a reverse gear, which can be beneficial during spins or crashes on the track, allowing drivers to back up without external help.

Conversely, rental and professional racing go-karts usually lack this function to maintain a lightweight design and speed efficiency.

That said, a reverse gearbox can be installed on go-karts if the need for a reverse option arises. Thus, while reverse is not a standard feature in all go-karts, it is typically found in electric models and can be added to others with specific modifications.

The Mechanism Behind Go-Karts

The functioning of a go-kart is rooted in the intricate movements of pistons within the engine cylinders.

These movements spin the crankshaft, leading to the rotation of the axle that propels the wheels, thus accelerating the go-kart.

Go-karts typically utilise a 2-stroke engine linked with a direct drive system that powers the rear axle.

The system consists of a spark plug, a carburettor, 2-stroke oil, and a clutch that facilitates connection.

The power transfer from the engine to the rear axle is carried out via a chain, although some rental models use a belt instead.

Additionally, four-stroke engines, usually standard air-cooled industrial types, can also be found in go-karts.

How You Can Tell if Your Go-Kart Has Reverse

Discerning whether your go-kart possesses reverse capabilities can often be determined by the presence of a gear shift. In general, petrol go-karts without a gear shift are likely lacking in reverse capabilities.

Conversely, if your go-kart is equipped with a reverse gearbox - a critical component for enabling reverse in gas go-karts - it's identified as a "shifter go-kart", indicating it does have reverse capabilities.

These types of go-karts will typically feature gearboxes and manual transmissions.

How Can You Add Reverse to Petrol Go-Karts?

It's possible to add a reverse option to your petrol  go-kart. This typically involves installing a reverse gearbox.

This topic is covered in more depth in our guide on go-kart clutches explained.

These kits engage a lever system, which when actuated, allows the go-kart to travel backwards.

Step Description
1. Prepare the Engine Area Make room for the reverse gearbox, understanding the layout of the engine, axle, driven pulley, driver pulley, and the reverse gearbox.
2. Install the Engine and Torque Converter Mount the engine in its new position. This might require installing brackets for a secure hold.
3. Set up the Reverse Gearbox Ensure the gearbox is correctly set up, align all shafts, add lubricants to the gearbox, and install bearings and the sprocket.
4. Mount the Reverse Gearbox After setting up the reverse gearbox, mount it in place on a robust base, which could be a bracket or slotted plate.
5. Install Remaining Gearbox Kit Parts Install the remaining components from the reverse gearbox kit, usually the gearbox lever, gearshift disc, and two transmission lines.
6. Test the Reverse Gearbox Test the setup, keeping in mind that different gearboxes have different gear ratios. Make a note of this when purchasing.

Common Gearbox Ratios

Direction Common Gearbox Ratio
Forward 1:1.3
Reverse 1:2.6

Implications of Adding Reverse to Go-Karts on Performance

Integrating a reverse kit into a go-kart holds the potential to both elevate and impede its performance.

If you're curious about how this could affect your driving experience, you might want to explore the science of how body weight affects go-kart performance.


  1. Enhanced Mobility: Introducing a reverse gear enhances a go-kart's overall agility by facilitating smooth navigation in confined spaces and swift changes in direction.
  2. Ease of Use: A reverse gear simplifies backing up the go-kart, negating the need for manual pushing or turning.
  3. Safety Augmentation: A reverse gear addition can escalate safety measures by enabling the driver to reverse swiftly during emergencies or to dodge obstacles.


  1. Additional Weight: A reverse kit's installation typically brings extra weight to the go-kart, potentially impacting its overall performance by diminishing acceleration and top speed.
  2. Heightened Complexity: The integration of a reverse gear introduces more mechanical elements, like a gearbox or an electric motor, possibly escalating the intricacy of the go-kart's design and upkeep requisites.
  3. Expense: The acquisition and installation of a reverse kit could represent an extra cost, contingent on the specific kit and the installation procedure.

It is critical to bear in mind that the influence on performance might fluctuate depending on the specific go-kart model, the reverse kit's quality, and the proficiency of the individual handling the installation.

Thus, consulting with specialists or seasoned go-kart enthusiasts before undertaking any modifications is advisable to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

Go-Kart Handling and Reversing

In a race setting, reversing a go-kart is rarely necessary, as the focus is primarily on speed and forward manoeuvres.

That said, having a reverse option can be beneficial for casual go-kart drivers or in off road go kart situations where one might need to back up to navigate tricky terrains.

Safety Considerations

In the exciting world of go-karts, safety should never be an afterthought.

The addition of reverse capabilities introduces new safety considerations.

Safe Driving Techniques

Whether you're driving a gas go-kart or an electric one, learning proper driving techniques, especially when engaging reverse, is crucial.

This is not just about knowing when to use the reverse gear but also about understanding how it impacts the go-kart's handling.

Go-Kart Type Safety Comparison

In general, electric go-karts, thanks to their slower speeds and additional features like reverse, are considered safer for younger or inexperienced drivers.

On the other hand, petrol go-karts, with their high speeds and often absence of a reverse gear, require more skill and caution.


Adding a reverse gear to your go-kart can be a game changer for your karting experience, offering advantages such as enhanced maneuverability, increased safety, and convenience.

However, it's important to balance these benefits against the potential challenges, including extra weight, heightened complexity, and added costs associated with the reverse kit and its installation.

Determining whether your go-kart has reverse capabilities is relatively straightforward. Generally, the type of go-kart you're using is a key indicator.

Electric go-karts, for instance, are typically designed with built-in reverse capabilities.

This feature allows them to navigate more flexibly, a valuable asset when manoeuvring tricky situations on the track.

Adding a reverse gear requires an understanding of the go-kart's inner workings and an appreciation of the installation steps, from creating room for the gearbox to the final testing phase.

An informed approach towards this modification, taking into account the potential impact on your kart's performance, can lead to a better karting experience.

Before diving into any modifications, consulting with go-kart experts or experienced enthusiasts is always recommended.

Ultimately, the decision to add a reverse gear depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Whether you are a go-kart hobbyist or a professional racer, equipping your go-kart with a reverse gear could add a new dimension to your go-karting adventures.


How does a reverse gearbox work in a go-kart?

A reverse gearbox in a go-kart utilises cog wheels inside the gearbox that link the input shaft to the output shaft. When the reverse gear is engaged, it prompts the output shaft to spin counterclockwise, thereby reversing the direction of the rear axle and enabling the go-kart to move backward.

Can you install a reverse gearbox on any go-kart?

The installation of a reverse gearbox on a go-kart depends on its intended use and design. While it's feasible, racing go-karts often skip this feature to maintain minimal weight and optimal performance. Thus, it's not a universal addition, but more a matter of convenience and specific application.

What are some alternatives to a reverse gearbox in a go-kart?

An alternative to a reverse gearbox in a go-kart could be an electric motor. An electric motor can be installed to drive a V-belt to the axle, allowing the go-kart to travel backwards on electric power. This motor would typically be mounted on a pivot with a lever, so it can be engaged or disengaged as required.

How do go-karts change gears?

Go-karts typically shift gears akin to many standard vehicles, with some having up to six gear options. However, depending on the design, go-karts can also feature fewer gears. The gear-changing process involves clutches or torque converters that transfer power from the engine to the wheels. Notably, shifter go-karts have a hand clutch utilised to kick-start the engine. Conversely, certain models like Rotax karts opt for a direct drive system for gear changes.

Get in Touch

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