For some, the thrill of go-karting can be overshadowed by a simple question – "Can I do this with my glasses on?"

If you're among those who need glasses to see clearly, you're probably familiar with the potential hurdles. a young woman sitting on a go kart with huge glasses on

And while it's true that go-karting comes with its own set of challenges for glasses wearers, fear not, the track is not off limits!

Can You Go Karting While Wearing Glasses?

Absolutely, yes. For a successful go-karting experience with glasses, it's important to ensure they fit securely on your face and comfortably under a helmet. If fogging is an issue, anti-fog sprays or wipes can be used. The process to wear them with a helmet involves removing the glasses, putting on the helmet, and then sliding the glasses back on through the visor opening. Moreover, safety measures such as using a full-face helmet and eyewear straps, if needed, can provide added assurance for go-karting with glasses.

Factors to Consider When Karting with Glasses

Before we dive headlong into how you can overcome these challenges, let's first understand what they are.

There are a few key aspects to keep in mind when karting with glasses.

The fit of your glasses, comfort under the helmet, maintaining good visibility, and preventing fogging are all important factors.

How Should Glasses Fit for Karting?

The fit of your glasses is perhaps the most crucial aspect of a comfortable karting experience.

They should sit nicely and snugly on your face. If they're too loose, they might shift or fall off while you're darting around the track.

On the other hand, glasses that are too tight could lead to discomfort during a prolonged session.

It's a bit like Goldilocks – you want the fit to be just right.

Overcoming Helmet Issues

Getting your helmet on with glasses can be a bit tricky. Some glasses may not sit comfortably under a helmet, while others might make the helmet feel too tight.

An effective trick is to first place the helmet on your head, then carefully slide your glasses on through the visor opening.

This way, you ensure a good fit for both your helmet and glasses. To understand more about this, you might find this guide on how go-karts have seat belts useful.

Practical Tips for Karting with Glasses

Now that we've covered the basics, let's look at some practical tips to make your karting experience as smooth as possible.

Preventing Fogging

A common problem many glasses wearers face during go-karting is fogging.

When your body heats up, your glasses can fog, compromising your visibility.

A practical solution to this issue is to use anti-fog wipes or sprays. Even an old trick like using fabric softener pads can do the trick!

For a more detailed understanding of this issue, take a look at this article explaining why your body might hurt after go-karting, including how temperature changes can cause fogging on your glasses.

Ensuring Visibility

Whether you're wearing glasses or not, visibility is key to safe and enjoyable go-karting.

For glasses wearers, ensuring your glasses are clean and clear before setting off can make a world of difference.

Additionally, wearing glasses that provide UV protection can also be beneficial for outdoor karting.

Safety Precautions When Karting with Glasses

Falling under the "Factors to Consider When Karting with Glasses" section, this addition provides safety guidelines for individuals wearing glasses while go-karting.

Safety is paramount in go-karting, and it's even more critical when you're karting with glasses.

For an in-depth view of safety measures while go-karting, you might want to check out this guide on safety for petrol & electric go-karts.

Here are some essential precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Ensure Secure Fit: Securely fitting glasses won't only provide comfort but also safety by ensuring clear and stable vision while you are racing.

  2. Wear a Full-Face Helmet: A full-face helmet not only protects your head but also keeps your glasses secure by preventing them from being knocked off by wind or in case of minor bumps.

  3. Check Visibility: Always check your visibility before you start. If your glasses are causing any obstructions or are fogging up, try to rectify the issues before you go on the track.

  4. Use Straps if Necessary: If your glasses tend to slip, consider using eyewear straps. They can help keep your glasses in place during your karting session.


Let's circle back to the crux of our discussion – can you hit the karting track with your glasses on?

The resounding answer is yes!

Eyeglasses might be your faithful daily companion, but even they can throw a spanner in the works when they start to fog up in certain situations, such as an intense go-kart race.

But fret not, you can indeed wear your glasses during a karting session.

Wondering what attire would best suit your go-karting adventure?

Here's a guide on what clothes you should wear when going go-karting.

The trick is to ensure that they fit well under your helmet. You'll need to remove your glasses first, slip the helmet on, and then delicately slide your glasses back on by lifting the visor.

Ultimately, go-karting is all about having a good old time, whether you're sporting glasses or not.

So get geared up, put these tips to use, and prepare for an exhilarating ride.

Remember, comfort and safety go hand in hand, and finding your perfect balance is the key to a fantastic go-karting experience!


Can I wear sunglasses while karting?

Indeed, it is possible to go karting with sunglasses. However, it's important to note that wearing sunglasses, reactive lenses, or tinted lenses is typically not recommended for indoor tracks, as these can potentially impair visibility due to lower light conditions. When wearing any glasses with a helmet, remove your glasses first, then put on the helmet, and finally lift the visor and slide your glasses back into place.

Can I wear prescription sunglasses when karting?

Yes, you can wear prescription sunglasses for karting, but you'll likely need to keep the helmet's visor up. However, since most karting venues are indoors, sunglasses or reactive lenses are typically not recommended as they can hinder visibility due to dimmer lighting conditions.

Do I need to wear googles when karting?

While wearing glasses during karting is possible, the procedure requires you to remove your glasses first, put the helmet on, and then carefully place the glasses back on through the lifted visor. Goggles, sunglasses, reactive lenses, or tinted lenses are generally not recommended, particularly for indoor karting tracks, as these can compromise visibility due to the lower light conditions indoors.

How can I prevent my glasses from fogging up while go-karting?

You can prevent your glasses from fogging up during go-karting by washing the lenses with soapy water; the soap particles create a thin film that reduces fogging. Alternatively, consider using an anti-fog spray, which is inexpensive and easy to carry. Simply clean your glasses with the spray when needed, ensuring to apply it evenly and allow it to dry for clear, accurate vision through the lenses.

Get in Touch

So you've made it to the end of our nifty little guide on go-karting with glasses.

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