Published: 29.6.21

Updated: 22.7.24

The plastic containers in which we store and heat our food can be dangerous to our health.

This is according to a study published by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

The plastic that these containers are made with contains a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA), which has been linked to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and other illnesses.young teenage girl warming food in microwave

The next time you use a plastic container to microwave leftovers, it's important that you know the risks of this process.

Note: This article is not to try and scare you in any way. It's basically an information resource for you to read and then research for yourself.

What is food packaging made of?

Food packaging comes in a wide variety of different materials like plastic, paperboard, aluminum foil, and plastic.

We haven't reached this point by accident. The reason why we use plastic specifically is that it is moisture-proof, lightweight, can be molded into any shape, and doesn't break down easily.

They are commonly used for food packaging due to their low price point per unit weight and inability to corrode with constant use like metal does over time.

The History of Plastic

Plastics are the new frontier of materials science.

They're not actually a single material: rather, they refer to any type of plastic inorganic polymer that is used for commercial or industrial purposes and/or can be molded into shape (and most importantly, has been discarded as rubbish).

One major reason people throw so much away is that plastics have become synonymous with disposability.

Plastic was originally coined by chemist Nathaniel Thirlmere who thought up this word after finding polymers pliable enough to mold out shapes from his experiments at Cambridge University back in 1800s England.

However, In 1907 Leo Baekeland invented Bakelite, the first fully synthetic plastic, meaning it contained no molecules found in nature.

Robert W. Vergobbi, a patent attorney from New York City invented the zipper storage bag in 1925.

He also found out that it could be used as a pencil case for school bags because of its size-but his invention became so much more than just this use when he partnered with Minigrip to sell them on their behalf.

They hoped people would continue using these versatile inventions to store food items but instead, Ziploc®Zipper Storage Bags were introduced by Robert (who was now working at Dow Chemical) 15 years later in 1968.

The plastic that is most commonly found in our homes today, however, has only been around for about 50 years or so.

In relative terms plastic hasn't been around that long, so studies are still going on to determine what the long-term effects will be.

Before plastic, Tupperware was manufactured in 1945 by Earl Silas Tupper and his wife, Maybelle Clark Tupper to make plastic containers that were more convenient than using aluminum foil or wax paper for the storage of food items.

Hence, where the name "Tupperware" came from :)

The dangers of plastic food containers

Who knew that your food and drinks could be contaminated by plastic?

Apparently, plastics have chemicals in them which can leach into the foods we consume.

This is really dangerous because these chemicals might not even end up being detected during taste tests but will cause you to feel funny later on down the line.

Is heating food in plastic containers really that bad for us, or is it just a myth?

This is a really good question.

The plastic containers that are made for heating food do not melt or release harmful chemicals, but the plastic lining of the container can be damaged.

What this means is that when you use a plastic bottle to heat up your favorite dish from home, it's possible that some of these dangerous toxins will leach into the contents.

The Alternatives

The best way to limit this chemical exposure is to avoid heating anything in a plastic container.

There are many types of plastic, and the most common ones have a chemical called BPA.

Normally used to harden plastics like water bottles or food containers, it's more dangerous than you may think.

In recent studies, they found that as we drink from our water bottle all day long without washing it out between sips (or after every sip!), we're drinking these chemicals straight into our bloodstream.

These substances matter because they can disrupt the natural balance of hormones in your body.

Safe Alternatives to Plastic Containers

Stainless Steel
Parchment Paper
Wax Paper
Oven-Safe Dishes

BPA and some phthalates are endocrine disruptors, which mimic or block these naturally occurring elements within you that regulate things like moods, sleep patterns, sex drives, and much more.

This is a serious issue for people who have hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or take hormone replacement therapy to treat conditions such as menopause - both groups should avoid any contact with products containing BPA at all costs.

Instead of heating our food up in a plastic container, we should use a plate or glass container.

This will decrease the risk of plastic leaching chemicals into our food.

Generally speaking, the safest food to use is number 1, 2, 4, and 5.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has banned the use of plastics marked with codes 3, 6, and 7 or made from polycarbonate. 

The plastic used is number 3, containing vinyl or polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 6 with polystyrene, and 7, which may contain different plastics such as Bisphenol-A.

You can also use these methods:

- Line plastic storage with parchment paper or waxed paper before filling it with food and freezing it.

- Heat in the oven instead of plastic containers.

- Cook eggs on ceramic dishes rather than plastic pans to avoid any transfer of chemicals

This will prevent any contact between plastic and your frozen foods, preventing BPA from leaching into the food during a thawing cycle.

Detailed Explanation of BPA and Phthalates

What are BPA and Phthalates?

Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates are industrial chemicals commonly used in the production of plastics and other consumer goods.

BPA Phthalates
Chemical Structure and Use BPA stands for bisphenol A. It has been used since the 1950s to manufacture polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. These materials are found in a variety of products, including food and beverage containers (like water bottles), the lining of metal cans, bottle tops, and even dental sealants. Chemical Structure and Use Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more flexible and harder to break. They are often found in products such as vinyl flooring, adhesives, detergents, lubricating oils, automotive plastics, plastic clothing (like raincoats), and personal-care products (like soaps, shampoos, and hair sprays).
Exposure BPA can leach into food and beverages from containers made with the chemical, especially when these containers are heated or used to store acidic or high-fat content foods. Exposure Phthalates can be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. They are ubiquitous in the environment, leading to widespread human exposure through food, water, and air.

How Do They Affect Human Health?

BPA Phthalates
Hormonal Disruption BPA can mimic the structure and function of the hormone estrogen, binding to estrogen receptors and influencing various bodily processes, including growth, cell repair, fetal development, energy levels, and reproduction. Endocrine Disruption Phthalates are known endocrine disruptors, meaning they can interfere with the body's hormone systems. This disruption can lead to various health issues.
Health Issues
  • Reproductive Health: BPA exposure has been linked to infertility and other reproductive issues, including changes in puberty and ovulation.
  • Child Development: Concern about BPA's effects on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland in fetuses, infants, and children.
  • Metabolic Disorders: BPA exposure is associated with an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Cancer: Some studies suggest a link between BPA exposure and certain cancers, including breast and prostate cancer.
Health Issues
  • Reproductive Health: Phthalates have been linked to reproductive problems, including reduced fertility and developmental issues in fetuses and children.
  • Respiratory Issues: Exposure to phthalates has been associated with asthma and other respiratory conditions.
  • Metabolic Disorders: Similar to BPA, phthalates are linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes.
  • Developmental and Behavioral Problems: Phthalates have been implicated in developmental and behavioral issues, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Cancer: Some phthalates are suspected of being carcinogenic, contributing to the development of certain cancers.

Reducing Exposure

Steps Description
Avoid Plastic Containers Use glass, porcelain, or stainless steel containers, especially for hot foods and liquids.
Check Labels Look for products labeled "BPA-free" and avoid plastics with recycling codes 3 and 7, which may contain BPA or phthalates.
Limit Canned Foods Reduce consumption of canned foods, as the lining of cans often contains BPA.
Choose Safer Personal Care Products Opt for phthalate-free personal care products and avoid items with vague ingredients like "fragrance".

In summary, both BPA and phthalates are widespread industrial chemicals with significant potential health risks, particularly as endocrine disruptors. Awareness and proactive measures can help reduce exposure and mitigate associated health risks.

The Possible long-term effects of eating these chemicals over time

There are several studies linking plastic chemicals to diabetes, obesity, and thyroid problems.

The National Institute of Health states that plastic leaching into food is a “concern” for pregnant women and children because they are more vulnerable to the effects of these chemicals.

Environmental Impact of Plastic Waste

Environmental Impacts

  • Persistence: Plastic waste is highly persistent in the environment, taking between 100 to 1,000 years to decompose. This long lifespan leads to the accumulation of plastic debris in natural habitats.
  • Microplastics: As plastics degrade, they break down into microplastics and nanoplastics, which are found in all ecosystems, from the Antarctic tundra to tropical coral reefs. These tiny particles can be ingested by wildlife, causing physical harm and potentially entering the food chain.
  • Biodiversity Loss: Plastic pollution is a major driver of biodiversity loss. It affects more than 1,500 species, leading to ingestion, entanglement, and suffocation of marine and terrestrial animals.
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The production and lifecycle of plastic products contribute significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions. In 2019, plastic products were responsible for 3.4% of global emissions, with projections indicating this could double by 2060 if current trends continue.

Comparative Analysis: Plastic vs. Alternatives


  • Plastic: Concerns about chemicals like BPA and phthalates leaching into food and beverages have raised health issues, including endocrine disruption and potential carcinogenic effects.
  • Glass: Generally considered safe and inert, glass does not leach chemicals into its contents. However, it can break easily, posing a physical hazard.
  • Stainless Steel: Highly durable and safe, stainless steel does not leach chemicals and is resistant to corrosion and staining.
  • Silicone: Considered safer than many plastics, silicone is non-toxic and does not leach harmful chemicals. However, it can absorb odors and may release volatile compounds if used at high temperatures.


  • Plastic: Typically the cheapest option, making it widely used for single-use and disposable products.
  • Glass: More expensive than plastic, especially in the short term, but its durability can offset costs over time.
  • Stainless Steel: Generally more expensive than both plastic and glass, but its longevity and durability can provide long-term savings.
  • Silicone: Moderately priced, more expensive than plastic but often cheaper than stainless steel. Its durability can make it cost-effective over time.

Environmental Footprint

  • Plastic: High environmental impact due to its persistence, contribution to microplastics, and significant greenhouse gas emissions during production.
  • Glass: While glass is highly recyclable and inert, its production is energy-intensive, leading to substantial CO2 emissions. The extraction of raw materials like silica can also cause environmental degradation.
  • Stainless Steel: Producing stainless steel requires significant energy and resources, resulting in a high initial environmental impact. However, its durability and recyclability can mitigate some of these effects over its lifespan.
  • Silicone: Production is energy-intensive and relies on non-renewable resources. Silicone is not biodegradable but is highly durable and can be recycled, although facilities for recycling silicone are limited.


Material Safety Cost Environmental Footprint
Plastic Concerns about leaching chemicals Cheapest High impact: persistent, microplastics, high emissions
Glass Safe, inert More expensive High energy production, recyclable, but heavy and energy-intensive to transport
Stainless Steel Safe, durable Most expensive High initial impact, durable, recyclable
Silicone Non-toxic, durable Moderately priced Energy-intensive production, not biodegradable, limited recycling facilities

In conclusion, while plastic is cost-effective and widely used, its environmental and health impacts are significant.

Alternatives like glass, stainless steel, and silicone offer safer and more sustainable options, though each comes with its own set of trade-offs in terms of cost and environmental footprint.

The importance of researching before making decisions about what is healthy or not healthy for you

It's important that you carry out your own research before you make a decision about what is good for you and what isn't.

You should read blogs, articles, books on plastic containers and the potential dangers that they provide before making any decisions to avoid plastic in your own home.

Like I said earlier. This article is purely for informational purposes.

If you want to make an informed decision about plastic containers then I suggest that you do your own research as well as mine before making any decisions.

There are other plastics that are known to cause human health issues:

  • PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) – This is the main type of plastic that is used in plastic bottles.
  • PVC plastic (Polyvinyl chloride) – This is the most commonly used plastic in plastic wrap, plastic bags, and plastic packaging. PVC plastic is also used in the manufacture of raincoats, upholstery fabric, paints, and varnishes as well as some electrical equipment including computer cables.
  • Polypropylene - These are typically used as single-use containers like plastic cutlery or straws. They do not present any significant health risks.
  • DEHA (Di-Ethylhexyl adipate) - This is mainly used in plastic food wrap and plastic containers for microwaving.
  • HEPA (High-density polyethylene) - When used in plastic packaging, this type of plastic can emit low levels of certain chemicals that have been linked to endocrine disruption and reproductive toxicity. It is also less resistant to cracking than other plastics which means it breaks down faster.
  • Polystyrene  - This is mainly used for plastic foam cups or plastic take-out containers. When hot food and drinks are stored in Styrofoam, the heat causes the material to break down into the food or liquid. Certain chemicals that are found in plastic containers may be metabolized into the bloodstream, stored in body fat cells, and absorbed into other tissues.

List of BPA-Free Plastics

BPA-Free Water Bottles

While the best options for BPA-free water bottles are those not made from plastic, several brands offer BPA-free alternatives:

Brand Description
Klean Kanteen Stainless steel water bottles with various BPA-free, child-friendly, plastic-free, and leak-proof spouts/lids.
Hydroflask Stainless steel water bottles known for their durability and insulation.
Owala FreeSip Stainless steel bottles with innovative sipping mechanisms.
Planet Box Stainless steel bottles designed for durability and ease of use.
Life Factory Glass water bottles with silicone sleeves for added protection.
BKR Glass water bottles with silicone sleeves, offering a stylish and safe option.
Miniso Glass water bottles, often available at affordable prices.

BPA-Free Plastic Types

To identify BPA-free plastics, look for the recycling codes on the bottom of the product. The following codes generally indicate BPA-free plastics:

Recycling Code Plastic Type
1 (PET or PETE) Polyethylene Terephthalate
2 (HDPE) High-Density Polyethylene
4 (LDPE) Low-Density Polyethylene
5 (PP) Polypropylene
6 (PS) Polystyrene

Avoid plastics marked with the recycling codes:

Recycling Code Plastic Type
3 (PVC) Polyvinyl Chloride, which likely contains BPA.
7 This is a catch-all category that can include BPA-containing plastics unless explicitly labeled as BPA-free.

BPA-Free Bottled Water Brands

Several bottled water brands use BPA-free packaging, often opting for materials like glass, aluminum, or BPA-free PET:

Brand Description
Just Water Uses plant-based cartons and aluminum bottles.
Liquid Death Known for its aluminum cans designed to resemble beer cans.
Waiākea Uses BPA-free PET bottles.
Acqua Panna Offers water in glass bottles.
Mountain Valley Uses glass bottles.
Icelandic Glacial Provides water in BPA-free PET bottles.
Saratoga Offers water in glass bottles.
Antipodes Uses glass bottles and has been carbon-neutral since 2007.

BPA-Free Canned Goods

If you're looking for BPA-free canned goods, consider these brands:

Brand Description
Amy’s Uses tin-plated cans with non-BPA linings made of acrylic and polyester.
Wild Planet Offers BPA-free canned seafood.
Muir Glen Provides BPA-free canned tomatoes and other products.
Edward & Sons Uses cans without detectable levels of BPA, verified by third-party testing.
Crown Prince Seafood Offers BPA-free canned seafood.
Trader Joe’s Provides a variety of BPA-free canned goods.
Whole Foods Their 365 Everyday Value® line includes BPA-free canned products.

By choosing products from these brands and types of plastics, you can significantly reduce your exposure to BPA and its potential health risks.

Wrapping up

The best solution is to reduce your use of plastic containers.

Throw them away when they are scratched, chipped, or cracked, and don’t let children use them for playtime with food.

And, if possible purchase glassware or stainless steel instead; these materials will not pose the same health risks as plastic does.

You can line your container with parchment paper or waxed paper and heat away without worrying about the contents of the container getting into your dish.

The concern is that even though plastics do not transfer any chemicals when heated at low temperatures (such as cooking), they might under higher temperature conditions such as microwaving or boiling water for tea or coffee.

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