Questions & Answers

What is the maximum weight capacity of the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S?

The RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S can support a maximum weight of 50KG.

What type of surfaces is the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S compatible with?

The RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S can be driven on a variety of surfaces such as short grass, carpet, wooden flooring, concrete, tiles, and gravel.

Does the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S have a parental remote control?

Yes, the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S does have an optional upgrade for a 2.4G parental remote control.

What are the battery specifications for the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S?

The RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S is powered by a 24V7AH battery. The vehicle also features a battery voltage display.

What is the maximum user height for the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S?

The maximum user height for the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S is 128cm.

Does the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S have functioning lights and sounds?

Absolutely, the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S features functioning lights all around, a working horn, and start-up engine sounds for a realistic driving experience.

What kind of tyres does the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S have?

The RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S comes with EVA Soft Wheels as an optional upgrade for a smoother ride.

What is the seat capacity and material of the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S?

The RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S is a two-seater ride-on toy. The seats are made of a leather-style material, which is an optional upgrade.

What are the media console features of the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S?

The RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S has an integrated media console with a USB port, Aux In, integrated music, start-up engine sounds, working horn, and steering controls.

How long does the battery last on the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S?

The battery on the RiiRoo UTV MX-2000 Maxi S can last approximately between 60 to 90 minutes. The battery takes about 10 to 12 hours to fully charge.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Avishay (Birmingham, GB)
The Maxi S review

The delivery arrived on time. It was petty easy to put it together. I recommend to put a bit of Vaseline on the front wheels' hinge to prevent friction. The jeep is very impressive and have alot of power and momentum. This is why I think that the design of the front bumper is poor since it broke on the first collision (the piece of plastic that connects the bumper to the body). With this level power I would expect the bumper to be more durable for collisions.
It would be nice if Riiroo would add a key to the design to give the child an extra realistic feeling. Also, a Bluetooth to the media player could've be nice.

In the bottom line, I am very happy with my purchase. It's the first week we are using it and so far so good. My son's are very happy and it was an Ideal present for the kids.

Dear Levi,

Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed feedback on your recent purchase. We're pleased to hear that the delivery was on time and that assembling the jeep was relatively easy. Your recommendation regarding using Vaseline on the front wheels' hinge is noted and appreciated. We're glad to know that the jeep's power and momentum have impressed you and brought joy to your sons.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the front bumper's design. Your insights are valuable, and we'll certainly take them into consideration for future improvements. We appreciate your suggestion about adding a key for an extra realistic feeling and integrating Bluetooth into the media player – great ideas that we'll explore further.

In the end, we're delighted that your sons are happy with their new jeep, and it made for an ideal present. If you ever have more feedback or questions, please feel free to reach out. Thank you once again for leaving us this comprehensive review!

Rupert L. (Farnham, GB)
Overall delighted!

I bought a RiiRoo ForceMX™ UTV MX-2000 Maxi S for 6 year old and 4 yo daughters who weigh about 40kg combined. They love it. Wasn't love at first sight although they faked that politely. Once they got the hang of it though they really grew to love it. Garden is a gentle slope with rough bumpy lumpy scrub and tree roots and this 2wd car with EVA wheels tackles it well. Music player is fun for the passenger. Older daughter at 1.21m tall is a little squeezed in it but she doesn't seem to notice or care. It arrived with a battery that was too deeply discharged to then recharge it properly so run time was only about 10 mins but RiiRoo sent a replacement immediately which has sorted that. Instructions are fine for putting it together but useless for confirming the battery charging times. Also they don't mention that the charger has a orange/green light showing charge status or that the radio player is showing the voltage reading. Plastic caps over the suspension restrict the movement sometimes and, although they may be a safety feature, in my view are unnecessary so have removed them. Suspension doesn't move much but does help the car pivot over bumps and takes a little shock out. Overall its been a brilliant present. Thanks RiiRoo!

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