Questions & Answers

What is the maximum age recommendation for the Electric Swing Car?

The RiiRoo Electric Swing Car is recommended for children up to 3 years old.

What is the maximum load capacity of the Electric Swing Car?

The Electric Swing Car can support a maximum load of up to 30KG.

Does the Electric Swing Car have any lights?

No, the Electric Swing Car does not come with functioning lights.

Does the Electric Swing Car come with a parental remote control?

No, the Electric Swing Car does not come with a parental remote control.

Does the Electric Swing Car have an integrated footrest?

Yes, the Electric Swing Car does have an integrated footrest, but it is not removable.

What is the approximate runtime of the Electric Swing Car?

The Electric Swing Car has an approximate runtime of 45 minutes.

What is the approximate charge time of the Electric Swing Car?

The Electric Swing Car has an approximate charge time of 6 - 8 hours.

Does the Electric Swing Car come with built-in music or a radio?

No, the Electric Swing Car does not have a built-in radio or integrated music.

What are the product dimensions of the Electric Swing Car?

The Electric Swing Car has product dimensions of 74.5 x 35 x 40CM.

What surfaces is the Electric Swing Car compatible with?

The Electric Swing Car is compatible with short grass and carpet surfaces.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Kayleigh A. (Pontefract, GB)
Our best buy ever!

I bought this for my Sons 2nd Birthday. It was brand new to Riiroo at the time so I wasn't sure how good it would be especially with the lack of reviews...

But WOW!!

We are now 2yrs later and he has used this Every. Single. Day!

The battery is incredible compared to our other ride ons.. it seems to last forever. And it's very speedy, I have to jog to keep up with him!

We take this on our 25minute (each way) walk to our local park and it easily does 3 or 4 of those park trips, as well as zooming around the house every day, before needing a recharge.

And it charges back to full in just a couple hours.

Honestly this is the best toy, don't even hesitate to buy this if you're looking for something that will be really well loved and last for years.

I'm not sure why it says "up to 3yrs" because my Son is 4 now and he's only just stopped looking 'lost' on it.

I'd say this would be used up till age 6 or 7.. perhaps even older. (I love it and I'm 35!)

My son has autism and this spins round so fast, so it's great if your little ones are a bit sensory too!

Honestly this is just the greatest thing all round. And the light up wheels give it that extra little something.

If I reallllly had to be picky, if i really really had to.. I'd say the peddle is in a slightly awkward position and takes a little getting used to.. my son sits a little to the side so he can push it properly but it's not really an issue.. but its worth mentioning incase the manufacturers see this review, they could maybe consider adjust that but no biggy!

This is literally the best thing I've bought for my Son. You won't be disappointed I promise!

Dear Kayleigh, thank you so much for sharing your detailed and heartfelt review! I'm thrilled to hear that the RiiRoo ride-on has been such a hit for your son's 2nd birthday and beyond. It's truly heart warming to know that it has become such an integral part of his daily adventures for the past two years. The fact that the battery life has exceeded your expectations and that it keeps up with his speedy excursions is fantastic to hear. I'm glad it's been such a reliable companion on your walks to the park and around the house. Your insights about its potential for children with sensory needs, like your son with autism, are invaluable. Thank you for mentioning that detail—it could make a big difference for other families considering this product. And your honesty about the pedal position is duly noted; constructive feedback like yours helps us continually improve our products. We're delighted that the ride-on has brought so much joy to your family, and we sincerely appreciate your recommendation.

Elizabeth K. (Liverpool, GB)
Great fun

2yr old grandchild absolutely loves it and it has helped keep her & her brother, 6yr very occupied through the holidays.

Hi Elizabeth! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful review with us. It warms my heart to hear that your 2-year-old grandchild is absolutely loving the product and that it's been a source of joy and engagement for her and her 6-year-old brother during the holidays. We're thrilled to have been a part of their happy moments. If you ever need anything else, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all many more joyful and memorable times ahead!

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Egal, ob Ihr Kind davon träumt, einen eleganten Mercedes zu fahren oder ein robustes Quad zu fahren, wir haben die perfekte Lösung.

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