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Self Care Tips for New Parents

12 Self Care Tips for New Parents

Congratulations! You've welcomed a beautiful little bundle of joy into your life.

As a new parent, you're running the entire gamut of emotions - from excitement and joy to stress and exhaustion.

While it's natural to focus all your energy on caring for your new baby, it's essential not to forget about yourself. Self Care Tips for New Parents

Self-care is crucial for new parents - taking care of yourself can help you feel more energised, positive, and confident, which will enable you to care better for your baby.

By prioritising your own needs, you can reduce stress levels and prevent burnout.

In this article, we'll share 12 self-care tips that are tailored to new parents.

We'll cover everything from practical tips like eating well and getting enough sleep to more indulgent practices like taking a warm bath or practising mindfulness.

We'll also talk about the importance of seeking help when needed and communicating with your partner or loved ones about those needs.

Whether you're a new mum or dad, these self-care practices can help you feel more confident, relaxed, and in control on this ultimately white-knuckle ride!

1. Eat Well and Keep Hydrated

As a new parent, it's easy to fall into the trap of eating whatever is quick and convenient, even if it's not the healthiest option.

However, fuelling your body with nourishing meals and getting your five-a-day fruit/vegetables is vital for maintaining your physical and mental health.

One way to ensure you're getting the nutrients you need is to plan your meals ahead of time.

Take some time each week to plan out your meals and snacks, and be sure to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Batch-cooking meals in advance and freezing them for later is another great way to go - it means you'll have healthy, home-cooked meals ready to go when you're short on time.

When it comes to cooking easy meals, the key is to plan ahead.

By taking a little time to plan your meals for the week, you can save yourself a lot of time and stress in the long run:

  • Start by making a list of your favourite meals and snacks, and then think about what ingredients you'll need to make them. Try to choose meals that are easy to prepare and that use ingredients that you already have on hand.
  • Keep things simple. You don't need to be a gourmet chef to make delicious food - in fact, some of the best meals are the simplest ones. Try making a big batch of soup or chilli that you can enjoy throughout the week, or whip up a stir-fry with some veggies and protein.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different flavours and ingredients because cooking should be fun and creative!

When it comes to meal planning, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Plan meals that are balanced and nutritious, with a mix of protein, carbs, and healthy fats.
  • Try to prep ingredients ahead of time, like chopping your veggies or marinating your meat, to save time during the week.
  • And lastly, don't forget to make a shopping list before you head to the supermarket - this will help you stay organised and avoid overspending.

It's also essential to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Keep a water bottle with you at all times, and try to avoid sugary drinks like soda or energy drinks, that are likely to cause a crash later on.

Instead, think herbal tea or infused water for a refreshing and healthy alternative.

2. Sleep When the Baby is Asleep

With a brand-spanking-new baby under your roof, getting enough sleep can seem like an impossible feat. However, establishing a bedtime routine for both you and your baby early on can make a significant difference in getting the rest you all need.

A consistent bedtime routine can help your baby learn when it's time to sleep and wake up, leading to more restful nights for everyone concerned. 

Some tips for establishing a bedtime routine include setting a regular bedtime, creating a calming bedtime ritual like a warm bath or lullaby, and dimming the lights in the room.

How to get enough sleep:

While it is important to establish a bedtime routine for your baby, it's also essential to prioritise your own sleep.

One piece of advice new parents often hear is to sleep when your baby is sleeping, even if it's just a short nap. 

If you're having trouble sleeping during the day, try to create a relaxing environment with low lighting and minimal noise.

It's also crucial to practise good sleep hygiene, like avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, keeping the bedroom cool and dark, and establishing a regular sleep schedule. 

Related: How to Prepare Your Older Children for a New Baby

3. Establish a Morning Routine

Establishing a good morning routine with a newborn baby can help set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Start by waking up at the same time each day and making time for a healthy breakfast and some self-care, such as a quick shower or a few minutes of meditation. 

Set aside time to feed and change your baby, and try to keep the environment calm and soothing to help them ease into the day. 

It can be helpful to plan out the rest of your day in advance, such as scheduling nap times and planning any errands or appointments around your baby's needs.

By establishing a consistent morning routine, you can help yourself, and your baby feel more organised and prepared for the day ahead.

Related: The Benefits of Calming Music

4. Look Good, Feel Good

As a new parent, it's incredibly easy to put your own needs aside and focus solely on your baby. However, carving out a few minutes each day to spend on your appearance can help you feel more confident and energised. 

Some simple ways to look and feel good include taking a shower, putting on a fresh outfit, and doing something with your hair.

Even something as simple as brushing your teeth and applying a little bit of makeup can go a long way in making you feel more put together and confident. 

And don't forget about the power of a good scent. Applying a favourite perfume or cologne can instantly lift your mood and help you feel more put together.

How looking good can boost self-confidence:

Taking care of your appearance isn't just about vanity - it's also about boosting your self-confidence.

When you feel put together and confident in your appearance, it can help you feel more capable and ready to take on the challenges of parenthood.

Remember, looking and feeling good isn't about conforming to societal standards or impressing others.

It's about taking care of yourself and prioritising your own wellbeing, which ultimately benefits both you and your baby.

5. Exercise and Fresh Air

As we all know, regular physical activity is essential for our physical and mental health, and getting some fresh air can do wonders for our mood and overall wellbeing. 

Take yourself and your baby for a short walk or (if you're feeling particularly energetic) a jog; if the weather is cooperating, take your workout into the garden - just make sure the little 'un is out of direct sunlight.

Maybe indoor workouts are more your speed: Try baby yoga or baby pilates. 

These exercises can be a great way to bond with your little one while also getting some exercise.

You could also try dancing with your baby or doing some gentle stretches together.

If the goal is something a little more intense, you could try a baby-wearing workout.

These workouts involve wearing your baby in a carrier or wrap while you do a series of exercises. 

This can be a great way to get a full-body workout while also keeping your baby close and bonding with them.

6. Seek Help When Needed

It's always initially hard to seek help and talk to someone when you're going through a tough time.

Whether you're struggling with postpartum depression, feeling overwhelmed by the demands of parenthood, or just need someone to talk to, there are plenty of resources available to support you.

Support groups and hotlines for new parents

One great way to get support is to join a support group for new parents.

These groups can be a great way to connect with other parents who are going through similar experiences, share advice and tips, and get emotional support.

There are plenty of both hotlines, online support groups as well as in-person groups in your local area.

The Importance of Seeking Help

It's really important to remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Asking for what you need is a brave and courageous thing to do, and it can make a huge difference in your life. 

Whether you're dealing with a mental health issue, struggling with the demands of parenthood, or just feeling overwhelmed, there is no shame in reaching out for support.

In fact, seeking help can be one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family.

7. Share Responsibilities

Sharing responsibilities with partners or family members can make a huge difference in reducing stress and improving overall wellbeing. 

It is common for many of us to take on too much and feel like we're carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders, but sharing responsibilities can help lighten the load.

Start by having an open and honest conversation with your partner or family member about your responsibilities and how they can help.

It's important to communicate your needs and ask for help when you need it.

You may find that your partner or family member is willing to help and has been waiting for you to ask. 

By sharing responsibilities, you can also create a more balanced and equitable relationship where everyone has a role to play.

A "divide and conquer" philosophy can also help ensure that tasks are completed more efficiently and effectively. 

It is, therefore, crucial to identify each person's strengths and weaknesses and assign tasks accordingly.

For example, if one person is better at cooking and enjoys it, they can take on more of the responsibility for meal preparation.

Likewise, if one person is better at organising and scheduling, they can take on more of the responsibility for managing appointments and activities.

Remember, it's okay to ask for help and share responsibilities. By doing so, you can create a happier and healthier home life for everyone involved.

So, don't hesitate to communicate your needs and work together to find solutions that work for everyone.

8. Prioritise

New parents often face a range of challenges as they adjust to their new role, which can be overwhelming and stressful.

Prioritising tasks and responsibilities can help manage the workload and reduce stress levels. 

One way to prioritise is by focusing on three things a day, whether it be getting some rest, taking a shower, or completing a household task.

It's also important to make time for enjoyable activities, such as reading a book or taking a walk, to recharge and prevent burnout.

Setting realistic goals and expectations for oneself is another way to prioritise.

It's essential to recognise that no one is a perfect parent and that it's okay to ask for help and delegate responsibilities when needed. 

Friends and family members can be an excellent source of support, whether it's offering to cook dinner, help with cleaning, or simply lending an ear to listen.

It's okay to follow up on offers of help, as it can be challenging for new parents to reach out and ask for assistance multiple times.

9. Make Time for Yourself

New parents often find themselves overwhelmed and consumed by the demands of caring for a newborn. However, it is important to remember to take time for themselves, too. 

Without self-care, new parents may experience increased stress, anxiety, + other adverse effects on their mental and physical health, with no simple way of de-escalating any of these. 

Making time for yourself means doing literally anything that begins to deflate that stress balloon - it could be taking a long bath, listening to your favourite music and having a boogie around the room, reading, or spending time with your favourite people (outside of your "baby bubble)". 

10. Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding

Breastfeeding and formula feeding can be an overwhelming and all-consuming experience for new parents...

There are many tips and tricks to help make this process smoother, but it's also worth remembering that each child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another.

Firstly, it's important to find a comfortable position for both you and your baby. This may take 

some trial and error, but it's worth it to find a position that works for you both. 

When breastfeeding, be sure to position your baby in a way that allows their head and neck to be in a straight line with their body.

When formula feeding, ensure that the bottle is tilted so that the nipple is always full of milk.

One common challenge for new parents is nipple soreness or pain while breastfeeding.

To alleviate this, try adjusting the position of your baby's mouth or use a nipple cream. 

How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk? Pay attention to how often your baby feeds and how many wet and dirty nappies they have each day.

This will give you an indication that your baby is getting enough to eat.

When it comes to formula feeding, it's important to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully - always use the recommended amount of water and powder to avoid under or overfeeding your baby.

In addition, be sure to burp your baby frequently during and after feeding to reduce the risk of gas and colic.

Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from healthcare professionals, support groups or family and friends.

Every parent's experience is unique, and it's okay to reach out along the way.

11. Postpartum Recovery

As exciting as this time can be, we know that postpartum recovery can feel like an impossible task. 

Here are some tips and ideas to help you navigate this period with as much ease and comfort as possible: 

  • Be kind to yourself. Your body has been through a lot, and it's important to give yourself the time and space you need to heal. This might mean taking a break from strenuous exercise or giving yourself permission to nap when your baby does. 
  • Support your postpartum recovery by prioritising rest. This can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths when you feel overwhelmed or setting aside time to read a book or watch your favourite show. If you have a partner or family member who can help out, don't be afraid to ask for support with tasks like cooking or cleaning so that you can focus on resting and recovering.
  • Gentle movement can also be beneficial for postpartum recovery. This might mean taking a short walk around the block or practising some gentle yoga poses. Pelvic floor exercises can also help support your body's healing and recovery after childbirth. As always, be sure to check with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise or movement routine.

12. Relationships and Communication

Having a baby is an exciting and joyful experience, but it can certainly also throw a spanner in the works for relationships with partners and loved ones. 

It is important to understand that having a baby will likely change the dynamic of any relationship and that open and honest communication is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships.

Communication is key, and being open and honest about your feelings and concerns with your partner is essential.

Remember that both you and your partner are adjusting to new roles and responsibilities, and it is natural to experience some challenges during this time.

Don't be afraid to express your emotions, and make sure to actively listen to your partner's perspective as well.

It's also vital to make time for each other, even if it's just a few minutes a day.

Carving out time for date nights or just spending time together without distractions can help maintain a strong bond between partners.

And remember, it's okay to ask for help from family and friends if you need a break or some extra support.

It's also important to communicate with loved ones about how they can support you during this time.

It can be helpful to share specific ways they can be involved and offer support, such as helping with household tasks or simply being a listening ear; everyone adjusts differently to the changes that come with a new baby, and it's important to be patient and understanding with each other.

By prioritising communication, making time for each other, and seeking support from loved ones, you can maintain healthy relationships during this exciting but challenging time.

Wrapping Up:

Taking care of yourself when you’re new at parenting is essential and a skill that can take time to master. 

Eating well, staying hydrated, getting rest, having a routine, taking care of your appearance, exercising and getting fresh air all to play a part in helping make parenting easier. 

Cooking simple meals also helps to boost parental wellbeing by providing healthier choices. 

Knowing when to seek help or share responsibilities not just for your own wellbeing but for the benefit of the whole family should also be taken into account.

Communication and maintaining relationships are key factors in feeling empowered to manage parenthood more successfully. 

Remember that there is no such thing as the perfect parent, so try to take time out for yourself during these challenging times and reward yourself for being an amazing parent! 

Anything we've missed or you would like to add? Let us know in the comments!

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